from the world

Open call for UN/MUTE virtual residency

IPNYPolish musicians, composers and performance artists, who have never been to New York before and who are interested in an international artistic, cross-discipline cooperation project with European and New York City based artists are invited to apply for a virtual residency. Apply by sending a bio and short cover letter (max. 1,000 words) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 22 January 2021.

This paid virtual residency will take place online in the spring of 2021, over a period of three months. The ideal candidate is either a Polish citizen residing anywhere in the world, but in New York/New York City, or is an artist who permanently resides in Poland and has any or no citizenship. It is a requirement for the residency that the candidate has never been to New York before.

Covid-19 has shuttered artists from residencies, travel, and exhibitions. This project dives into our digitalized world connecting EU and New York City based artists from various disciplines and gives them an opportunity to work on a collaborative artistic project. The project explores what it means for a European artist to virtually meet a transatlantic counterpart based in NYC, of different age, race, culture and artistic medium in order to create a new and unique work of art together.

During the residency, the process of creative collaboration is put under a magnifying glass and presented via edited Zoom recordings on a website giving the viewers the unique opportunity to monitor it. The collaborative three-month long virtual residency is facilitated and hosted by Undercurrent gallery in Brooklyn, New York. A presentation of the art works is scheduled to take place on Europe Day, 9 May 2021.

More information at