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official patronage

Łódź | 82. Musica Moderna Festival

Media patronage: Polish Music Informtion Centre POLMIC

MusicaModerna 23Young people will decide on the shape and character of the 82nd edition of the Musica Moderna Festival and they will be its main characters.

During the concerts from the 30th of November to the 14th of December, 2023, not only composition students, but also art education students and instrumentalists will present their areas of interest. We will hear the effects of cooperation between completely new ensembles, such as Alert Ensemble, and those with slightly longer experience, including Nowicki Duo and Aldo Duo. Moderna's special guest, the charismatic composer Kuba Krzewiński, will meet the young musicians. There will be plenty of topics concerning Łódź! All festival concerts will be held at the Regional Center for Culture, Education and Music Documentation in Łódź in al. 1 Maja 4. Admission is free.

The festival is organized by the Department of Composition of the Academy of Music in Łódź and the Polish Composers' Union.

Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Music" programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Detailed programme: https://www.amuz.lodz.pl/index.php/pl/wydarzenia/82-festiwal-musica-moderna