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"Creative Warsaw": "Dominobajki" in Gocław

Dominobajki 9 12 23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On the 9th of December, 2023 at 11:00 at the Gocław Cultural Terminal (Jan Nowak Jeziorański 24 street) there will be another interactive concert for children (6-12 years old) and parents, "Dominobajka", organized by the Polish Society of Contemporary Music. Admission is free!

We will hear "Dominobajki" by Jarosław Siwiński for piano, drums, showman and children's audience. The piece consists of 15 abstract, fairy-tale elements that appeal to children's imagination, such as Athanasius the Knight, Silver Nuts, Space Rocket, Door, Chase, etc., from which concert participants compose their own micro-stories. Then the musicians play these stories, performing appropriate fragments in the order determined by the children.

Performers: Jarosław Siwiński (piano), Leszek Lorent (drums), Małgorzata Kołcz (audience guide).

Free tickets can be downloaded at https://biletyna.pl/koncert/DOMINOBAJKI-koncert-muzyki-wspolczesnej-dla-dzieci  lor at the tocket office of thr Culture Terminal.

Małgorzata Kołcz

More about the event: https://fb.me/e/gfDvPuVXp