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Archiving works of Bogusław Schaeffer as part of the 'Digital Culture': score video

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The AUREA PORTA Foundation of Friends of the Arts, which promotes Polish contemporary art, is expanding the Repository of the Works of Bogusław Schaeffer. In 2023, the resource was expanded to include score video (synchronization of recordings and notations): www.boguslawschaeffer.pl/pl/video. Schaeffer's musical notation, often abandoning the symbolism ("code") of traditional notation, pictures (and does not merely "encode") the sound form of works, so following it may be attractive to all those who want to admire the abstract beauty of these graphic non-notes.

The expansion of the Repository is aimed at re-introducing works that are outstanding on a global scale, and often forgotten, into the cultural circulation. The project, which has been developed for a decade and a half, includes the archiving of paper materials (music notes, texts and graphics, manuscripts and facsimiles from the creator's private archive) and their digitization.

Katarzyna Socha, Aurea Porta