
Jędrzejów, Pińczów, Bogoria | „With Classics through Poland” Ãtma Quartet

Z klasyka 19 4 24

On April 19-21, 2024, as part of the programme of the National Institute of Music and Dance "With classics through Poland", Ãtma Quartet (Aleksandra Kupczyk, Katarzyna Denkiewicz, Karalina Orsik, Andrzej Bauer) will perform in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship: at the Przypkowskich Museum in Jędrzejów, in the Arian House - Regional Museum in Pińczów and in the Municipal Cultural Center in Bogoria.

The word "Ãtma" in Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy means soul, self, psyche. The name of the ensemble also refers to the Villa Atma by Karol Szymanowski, whose works are an important item in the quartet's repertoire. Ãtma Quartet was founded in 2016. Since its inception, it has been conducting intensive concert activities, popularizing chamber music, including Polish music, in the country and around the world.
