
Cracow | Final Concert of the 2nd International Composition Competition ‘art and violence'

On the 1st of April 2022 at 5.30 p.m. at the final concert of the 2nd International Composition Competition ‘art and violence’ at the Decjusz Willa Cultural Institute in Cracow premiere of the two winning pieces performed by Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Contemporary Ensemble will take place.

The subject of the competition was a piece for a piano trio with a duration of up to 12 minutes referring to the Competition’s theme ‘art and violence. The jury composed of: Prof. Marcel Chyrzyński - chairman, Prof. Wojciech Ziemowit Zych and Prof. Maciej Jabłoński - appraised 27 scores from all over the world: Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Ireland, Poland, Russia, the United States, Sweden and Great Britain. Among them were works of Olgierd Juzal-Deprati (1st prize) and Tomasz Szczepanik (2nd prize).

We will hear the winning compositions Ci-sza by Juzal-Deprati for soprano saxophone, percussion and piano (2022) and Szczepanik's Inquietudine for alto flute, percussion and piano (2022). Pieces by Georges Aperghis, Giacinto Scelsi and Rachel C. Walker will also be performed at the concert.

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