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Gabryś Aleksander

Gabryś Aleksander

  • composer, performer


Miniatury for double bass and tape (1990)

Lux in tenebris for tape (1992)

Voak gefeustich, instrumental theater for five musicians-actors (1992)

Święty Boże for soprano, piano strings, tapes and lights (1993)

Ogród igier boskich for strings and computer sounds (1994)

Quadrofonietta for string iunstrument and live electronics (1996)

Printemps Mandale for tape (1997)

Actus contra Naturam for tape and dancer (1997)

Eco-Ethno-Polish-Mountains-Spheroid for tape (1998)

Abraxas for string orchestra and tape (1998)

Man in Fish for double bass and tape (1999)

Bas-el-Karneval for string instrument and live electronics (2000)

L’ultima volta con de-cadenza for tape (2000)

Folklorietta, computer music with the use of authentic folk recordings from Silesian Beskids (2001)

Patrix for double bass and tape (2001)

Deus Irae for violin, viola, cello, percussion, accordion, piano, double bass and gadulka (2002)

Aleksandrietta for 2 double basses for 1 performer (2003)

Avanti, Amico! [version I] for clarinet (2003)

Da ich ein Knabe war ... for high voice, clarinet, french horn, piano, violin and cello to lyrics by F. Hölderlin (2003)

Avanti, Amico! [version II] for bass clarinet (2003)

Nano for a creative double bass player (2004)

Jekyll-Hyde for creative double bass player (2004)

If it’s Truth for double bass and string quartet (2005)

Bas-El for tape (2006)

Glorietta for choir of soloists and tape [with Ryszard Gabrys] (2007)

Donquixoterie for (counter)tenor, guitar, double bass and live-electronics (2008)

Pax, Freunde, Pax for trumpet and tape (2008)

Nokturn, music for photographic series by Carl Cordonnier (2009)

Nowa Chowańszczyzna, music for animated film, dir. Ewa Słowik-Grabowska (2009)

Avunculus, music for a documentary, dir. Alicja Żebrowska (2009)

elUle for french horn and violin (2010)

CARRILLO_N13¿ Einetransgradiale Musik-Installation installation/performance (co-composition) (2012)

Bestiarium for french horn and violin (2012)

Bestiarium – Fortune Square trio tripSinfAct for violin, french horn and orchestra (2013)

metAtem – interaktywny stragan dźwiękowy podług Dantego Alighieri i „Mikrogramów” Roberta Walsera, outdoor music action for four performers, for self-playing instruments, double bass, lupophone and electronics (2014)

Walser Code, scenario for violinist (2014)

BASSBOXTRING for 3 performers and live audiovideo synthesis (2015)

Prāṇāhtron for vocal ensemble, double bass and live electronics (2015)

Loculus Archimedius (Ostomachion) for seven performers (2015)

2-Pol-Run for flute/bass flute, voice and media (2016)

ILINX for bass flute, contrabass, electronic media and creative mixing (2017)

PARTITURA, performance for 3D sound waves (2018)

BASSBOXTRING II for 5 performers and audiovideo live synthesis (2019)

BASILESIA for 20 vocalists, electronics and video (2019)

Natural Born Rebels, performance at the Sound Gardens festival in Bucharest (2019)

MANIFESTO PLAYBOX, music scenario for two creative pianists (2020)

CoExRa, electro-video-music at Drone Night in Novi Sad (2020)

Nass, Dym & Fire, video [co-author] (2020)

Instrukcja 2020, video [co-author] (2020)

Sonata Belzebuba, instrumental-electronics theatre based on Witkacy (2021)


Dziadek Magdalena, Gabryś Aleksander, Gdańsk-Warszawa 2005

Kaniowska Małgorzata, Dyrygent – współtwórca. Granice ingerencji w interpretację współczesnych partytur muzycznych. Ryszard & Aleksander Gabryś - Muzyka na smyczki, Częstochowa 2012

Dziadek Magdalena Szwajcarskie Bestiarium i inne utwory / Aleksander Gabryś [w:] Śląsk : miesięcznik społeczno-kulturalny. R. 20[21], nr 2 (2015), s. 36-37

Grella-Możejko Piotr Aleksander Gabryś / Piotr Grella-Możejko [w:] Śląsk : miesięcznik społeczno-kulturalny. R. 24, nr 12 (2018), s. 73


Bassolo – Aleksander Gabryś. XXth & XXIst centuries’ Contrabass Music [album 2-płytowy] - DUX 0800/0801 (2010)

Ryszard & Aleksander Gabryś – Music for strings [płyta monograficzna] – Acte Préalable, AP0228 (2009)

Gabryś Aleksander Bas-El na komputer, ZKPKE 006 (2007)

Szalonek Witold Musica concertante per violbasso e orchestra, ZKPKE 005 (2005)

Bogusławski Edward Concerto-Fantasia per contabasso e archi [utwór dedykowany Aleksandrowi Gabrysiowi] – Radio Katowice SA, PRK CD 064 (2004)

Gabrys Aleksander Da ich ein Knabe war für Sopran, Horn, Klarinette, Geige, Violoncello und Klavier, na CD: Robert Walser in der Schweizer Musik, Musiques Suisses, MGB CD6231 (2005)

Gabryś Aleksander BASILESIA, Camerata Silesia sings Silesian Composers, Vol. 2, TPMCD02 (2020)

Gabryś Aleksander Pax, Freunde, Pax, Phoenix Goes Solo (Live), Ensemble Phoenix Basel, United Phoenix Records (2015)

Gabryś Ryszard Aleksandryny - ZPR Records, ZCD-036 (1998)

Gwyn Pritchard music for double bass and harp - Sargasso, SCD28058 (2008)

Radko Piotr Introdukcja. Allegro Barbaro - Związek Kompozytorów Polskich - Oddział w Katowicach, ZKPKE 002 (1997)

Scelsi Giacinto Pranam II; Riti: I funerali di Alessandro Magno, Okanagon, na CD: RITO Ensemble Phoenix Basel, Radio SRF Kultur 2, CD TLS 191 (2014)

Łukaszewski Paweł Aragena na sopran, kontrabas i komputer - musica sacra edition 007 (2006)


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