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Latecki Ryszard

Latecki Ryszard

Photo.: Oleg Panov
  • composer, performer

multi-instrumentalist (trumpet, piano, and other instruments). He was born in 1956. His a an inventor of the latara, a half-fretted guitar, founder of a number of music collectives, member of Kawalerowie Błotni (The Mud Cavaliers group), particularly active on the alternative scene.

His music may be referred to as "improvised intuitive music". It draws on jazz, ethnic music, classical and contemporary music. His project's bring together on stage musicians representing different music styles that have one thing in common: a passion for improvising.

He has developed music installations and performances, and a new concept for creating music – Reverse Music (Muzyka Rewersyjna).

His projects have brought together representatives of contemporary music, early music, ethnic music, jazz, live electronics, world music, and traditional Polish music.

Ryszard Latecki provides live accompaniment to silent movies, runs a programme of workshops called Dźwiękowa Przestrzeń Niewerbalna (Non-verbal Sound Space), a concert programme called Partytury Fotograficzne (Photographic Scores), and actively works in Wytwórna Błękitu located in Podziemia Kamedulskie in Warsaw's Bielany district.

In 2008 he was a coordinator of the Warsaw edition of the festival Audio Art and led the Audio Art Orchestra. Since 2008 he has been preparing and coordinating a series of workshops called Skup Dźwięków Nowych i Używanych (New and Used Sounds Deposit). In 2011, together with Kawalerowie Błotni, Latecki developed an international programme of 5 concerts SON((O))SPHERE – Metropolie i Mity (SON((O))SPHERE – Metropolies and Myths) dedicated to 5 European capitals as part of the programme accompanying Polish presidency in the EU.

Ryszard Latecki has produced and performed numerous music performances and installations, which have been presented at Audio Art: Koncert na Jaja Smażone (Concerto for Fried Eggs), Koncert na Trąbkę i Drut (Concerto for Trumpet and Wire), Koncert na Trąbkę i Tancerkę (Concerto for Trumpet and Female Dancer), Taniec Rewersyjny (Reverse Dance), Klepsydra Dźwiękowa (Sound Hourglass), Muzyka Rewersyjna (Reverse Music), Koncert na Instrumenty Cisane (Concerto for Tight Instruments), Brzeszczot – Tribute To Steve Reich (Blade – Tribute To Steve Reich).

January 2013 (bd)


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