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Majchrzak Mirosław

Majchrzak Mirosław

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  • Musicologist


articles & papers

Význam molovosti vo vývoji tonálneho systému Chopinových diel demonštrovaný na jeho vybraných dielach, POCTA FCH, Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia (w przygotowaniu do druku)

The scheme of diatonic major and minor key modulations in the natural keys, Eunomios 2005

The Irrelative System in Tonal Harmony, w: Proceedings of 1st International Conference of Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (ed. Thomas Noll and Timour Klouche), National Institute of Music Research, Berlin, Germany 2007

The Tonal Structure of Chopin’s Mazurkas, International Musicological Society, Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications, University of Zurich, Switzerland 2007 (praca niepublikowana)

Wstęp do badań struktury tonalnej miniatur Chopina, Warsztaty naukowe doktorantów Instytutu Sztuki PAN, Warszawa 2007 (praca niepublikowana)

Diversity of The Tonal Structure of Chopin’ s Etudes, w: Proceedings of  1st International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus08; ed. Manuela M. Marin, Meike Knoche, & Richard Parncutt), University of Graz, Austria 2008

Analytic Capacities of an Original Tonality Analysis Method, Based on the Example of Chopin’s Preludes op. 28, Proceedings of 16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia 2008; ed. Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Son Vuong, Carsten Griwodz, Alberto Del Bimbo, K. Selçuk Candan, & Alejandro Jaimes), Canada Place Vancouver, New York 2008

Mode-dependent Differences in Chord Classification under an Original Computational Method of Tonal Structure Analysis, w: Proceedings of 5th International Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC08: sound in space - space in sound; ed. Martin Supper & Stefan Weinzierl), Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin, Germany 2008

The Frequency of the Recurrence of Rhythmic Structures, w: Proceedings of the 2008 Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval and Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning Conference (ed. Kristoffer Jensen), Copenhagen, Denmark 2008

The Interdependence of Vertical and Horizontal Layers in Music: Proposal for a Formal Method of Analysis, w: Proceedings of the 2008 Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval and Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning Conference (ed. Kristoffer Jensen), Copenhagen, Denmark 2008

The Irrelative System in Tonal Harmony, Mathematics and Computation in Music, Communications in Computer and Information Science 2009, Volume 37

Diversity of the Tonal Structure of Chopin’s Etudes, British Postgraduate Musicology 2009, vol. 10

Remarks Regarding the Possibility of Application of Vertical Tonality Analysis Method to Horizontal Analysis, w: Proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM 2009; ed. A. K. Datta, P. Gupta, D. Ghosh, S. K. Das Mandal, R. Sengupta & N. Dey), ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior, India 2009

The Application of Descriptive Statistics to the Tonality Analysis: Systematic Possibilities; Philosophical Issues, w: Proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM 2009; ed. A. K. Datta, P. Gupta, D. Ghosh, S. K. Das Mandal, R. Sengupta & N. Dey), ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior, India 2009

Importance of Enharmonic Tone Spelling in Computational Analysis of Tonal Structure, (współautorstwo z Bruno Gingras), w: Proceedings of 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2009; ed. Jukka Louhivuori, Tuomas Eerola, Suvi Saarikallio, Tommi Himberg, & Päivi-S, University of Jyväskylä, Finland 2009

Klasyczność struktury tonalnej Pieśni Chopina, w: Materiały z Międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej: Analiza dzieła muzycznego. Historia – theoria – praxis (red. Anna Granat Janki), Akademia Muzyczna we Wrocławiu 2010

Remarks Regarding the Chronological Hypotheses for Chopin's Preludes and Etudes based upon Tonal Structure, w: III Międzynarodowy Kongres Chopin 1810-2010 Idee - Interpretacje – Oddziaływania, Uniwersytet Warszawski (w przygotowaniu do druku)


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