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Wierus Grzegorz

Wierus Grzegorz

  • Performer

conductor; b. 1978 in Olkusz. He graduated with distinction from Tomasz Bugaj’s conducting class at the Academy of Music in Krakow. He also completed studies in architecture at the Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology. He continued his education with Wojciech Rajski at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main, as well as at masterclasses led by Gabriel Chmura, Howard Williams, Lucas Vis and Helmuth Rilling. Since 2012 he has been a music assistant to Gabriel Chmura at the Grand Theatre in Poznań.

Grzegorz Wierus conducted several Polish ensembles, such as the Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and Choir of the Academy of Music in Krakow, Beethoven Academy Orchestra, Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra in Sopot, and Sudety Philharmonic Orchestra in Wałbrzych. He also conducts the contemporary music ensemble Nostri Temporis from Kiev. He is a co-founder of the vocal-instrumental InAntis Group and the conductor of the Stanisław Moniuszko Music School Complex Symphony Orchestra in Łódź. He holds choral and orchestral workshops (e.g. with the I, CULTURE Orchestra), as well as community outreach and educational concerts organized in collaboration with the ABC XXI Foundation "All Poland Reads to Kids", the Little Warsaw Autumn and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. He conducted the Łódź Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra during a cycle of family concerts entitled The Philharmonic: Why So Much Ado?

Both contemporary, alternative music, and music theatre projects play an important role in Grzegorz Wierus’s artistic work. These have included: Karol Nepelski’s Solaris Electronic Opera (Malta Festival 2007), Handel/Nepelski - Giulio Cesare opera project (with InAntis Group, Iubilaei Cantus Festival, 2009), Oratorio Dance Project (in collaboration with the Chorea Theatre in Łódź, 2011), the world premiere of I Have Lost My Euridice by Alexey Shmurak (commissioned by the Institute of Music and Dance as part of the programme "Collections - Composing Commissions" in 2014).

updated: November 2015 (wa)

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