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Wojciechowski Sławomir

Wojciechowski Sławomir

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  • Composer, Performer

composer, journalist and translator; b. 3rd May 1971 in Łódź. Having completed two years of composition studies with Marian Borkowski at the Academy of Music in Warsaw (1995-97), he graduated from the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, where he studied composition with Marco Stroppa (2000–04) as well as theory and new media with Matthias Hermann (1998–2002). He attended courses and seminars taught by Helmut Lachenmann, Brian Ferneyhough, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Klaus Huber, Louis Andriessen, Paweł Szymański and Irvine Arditti. He has received scholarships from the Donaueschinger Musiktage, ZAIKS Polish Association of Authors and Composers, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the Capital City of Warsaw and the Institute of Music and Dance.

His music has been performed at many contemporary music festivals, e.g. Musica Polonica Nova and Musica Electronica Nova in Wrocław, Elektronische Nacht in Stuttgart, Intersonanzen in Potsdam, Berlin Biennale, "Ad Libitum" in Warsaw, Festival of World Premieres in Katowice and the "Warsaw Autumn" Festival, by such ensembles as: the Radio Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart under Manfred Trojahn, Zementwerk, Junge Musik Berlin, Kwartludium, cross-art, Cellonet, Kwadrofonik, and Smash ensemble.

As a music performer (an “ad hoc-spieler” on unconventional instruments) he has appeared with numerous German ensembles and orchestras, including SWR Sinfonieorchester, Kölner Philharmoniker and Bamberger Symphoniker. He participated in the recording of Helmut Lachenmann’s opera Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern (he was in charge of electronic layer) in Staatsoper in Stuttgart (2001). In 2007 he co-organized the Musica Electronica Nova Festival in Wrocław.

Sławomir Wojciechowski is also active as a feature writer and translator of musical publications. He collaborates with magazines "Ruch Muzyczny" and "Glissando", as well as with Polish Radio.

updated: December 2014 (ai)

Composer’s website:


Quintet for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1998)

Prime Blue for violin and electronics (1999)

Ekle for clarinet, trombone, cello and piano (1999)

Miniaturen for clarinet, cello and piano (2000)

Trio basso for viola, cello and double bass (2000)

Hoquetus for 4-channel tape (2002)

Bläserquintett for wind quintet (2004)

Duktus for ensemble (2005)

… durch den Flor … for orchestra (2006)

Flora for chamber ensemble (2007)

Ge-sheng for flute, accordion, clarinet, violin, viola and cello


Riesenfalter for flute, clarinet, violin and cello


sight/light for clarinet, trumpet, percussion, piano, violin and cello (2008-09)

Rope of sands for clarinet (bass clarinet), percussion, piano and violin *


Blind Spot for prepared string quartet (2010-12)

Acoustic Signs, a cycle of multichannel electronic pieces (2011-12)

Double Pendulum for prepared violin and computer (2012)

Rapid Repeats, graphic score for Kwartludium (2012)

Fingertrips for 8 prepared cellos


rizoom for flute, saxophone, objects and electronics (2013)

Victory over the Sun, chamber opera to text by Marcin Cecko (2013)

Machina zawiła for soprano, prepared piano, sampler, objects and 2 percussionists (2014)

Room 404 multimedia composition to texts by Paweł Krzaczkowski (2014)

A matter of choice for ensemble and emctronics (2014)

…play them back na zespół kameralny i electronikę (2015)

Speedcore na perkusję i elektronikę (2015-2016)

King Ludd na saksofon, akordeon, wiolonczelę, puzon i fortepian (2016)


Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
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