Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC
"Nieoczywiste" is a new solo project by Aleksandra Demowska-Madejska, presenting compositions for viola with electronic accompaniment. Works by artists from Colombia, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Poland, including the world premiere of the composition Okiem spokojnym bardzo jasnym by Piotr Grell-Możejko and Grain-fibrous tissue by Dominik Puk will be presented on the 19th of October 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in Hashtag Lab.
The project is an attempt to answer the question: does only what we can touch "exist"? How do non-material sounds reflect the shapes and nature of "things" and is it really possible?
We will also hear compositions for amplified viola and electronics by Tatiana Catanzaro, Jeanne Artemis, Michele Abondano, Sarah Westwood and Katarzyna Taborowska, performed by Aleksandra Demowska-Madejska.
The album with the repertoire of "Nieoczywistych" will be released in the first quarter of 2024 by PGM Audio in Canada.
Po koncercie odbędzie się pokaz filmów pod hasłem „Filmowe materie”, który poprowadzi Jan Topolski. Będzie można obejrzeć 6 animowanych filmów autorstwa najciekawszych reżyserów młodego pokolenia z programu tegorocznego festiwalu Młodzi i Film w Koszalinie.
Przestrzeń Muzyki Współczesnej Hashtag Lab współfinansuje Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa.
Informacja o biletach:
Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
tel: +48 785 370 000
The website was modernised thanks to the support of the Minister of Education and Science under the Science for Society II program.