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Andrzej Dobrowolski – Muzyka czystej formy, Karwaszewska Monika

Andrzej Dobrowolski – Muzyka czystej formy, Karwaszewska Monika

Wydawnictwo Akademii Muzycznej im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku, Gdańsk 2017, 402 s.

ISBN 978-83-64615-25-2

The monograph by Monika Karwaszewska is the first comprehensive review of the preserved musical legacy of Polish composer Andrzej Dobrowolski (1921-1990) and its periodization in relation to the most important facts of the artist's life and activity. The subject of the discourse is stylistically and generically varied group of works, which include functional and autonomous music, as well as music of "pure form" – autotelic music focused on the formal issues. The book is addressed to theoreticians of music, musicologists and all those interested in Polish music of the second half of the twentieth century.

(publisher's text)


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