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Śpiewnik polski. Pieśń polska XX i XXI wieku (Orphée Classics 2018)

Śpiewnik polski. Pieśń polska XX i XXI wieku (Orphée Classics 2018)

The CD features a selection of art songs by Polish composers of the 20th and 21st centuries – a Polish songbook of our times. Among the authors there are more and lesser known, including simply forgotten, composers. The same applies to the authors of the lyrics. However, bringing back from obscurity – which Polish culture and Poles need so much – is just one aim of the recording. It is also about describing the background of Polish songs which have been written over the last several decades, about illustrating their stylistic diversity, variety of sound aesthetics, compositional techniques, in a word – about the richness of which we are usually unaware, because we are preoccupied with other matters, probably more important, or at least we think they are more important...

Maciej Negrej (translation: Anna Kijak)


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