
Kraków | 14th Polish Music Festival


The 14th Festival of Polish Music will be held in Krakow on July 3-22, 2018, presenting both aerly music and works of contemporary composers performed by outstanding soloists and ensembles from Poland and abroad.

11 days and 11 concerts filled with great works by Krzysztof Penderecki, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Feliks Nowowiejski and Paweł Łukaszewski, as well as pieces written by foreign artists inspired by Poland – this is how the 14th edition of the Polish Music Festival, held in the year of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by our country, can be described. From July 3 to July 22, prominent artists will perform in Krakow, including American violinist Miranda Liu, Russian pianist Philipp Kopachevsky, Taiwanese conductor Su-Han Yang and esteemed soprano Elżbieta Szmytka.

The inauguration of the 14th edition of the festival (July 3, St. Catherine's Church) will feature Krzysztof Penderecki's Polish Requiem, celebrating its 85th birthday this year. The monumental work completed in 1993 refers to the rich and centuries-old tradition of the Latin funeral mass. The composition will be performed by outstanding soloists: Izabella Matuła – soprano, Isabelle Vernet – mezzo-soprano, Wojciech Parchema – tenor, Liudasa Mikalauskas – bass. The Orchestra and the Choir of the Krakow Philharmonic will be conducted by Maciej Tworek.

Detailed programme available at: