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Songs & Fantasmagories. Ludomir Michał Rogowski

rA world premiere of the Dux record Songs & Fantasmagories. Ludomir Michał Rogowski will take place on the October 8, 2017 at 6 p.m. at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Ludomir Michał Rogowski's compositions will be performed by Izabela Kopeć.

The CD contains 18 Polish, French and Croatian songs for mezzo-soprano, violin and piano, as well as Fantasmagories in five movements for voice and orchestra. It was recorded by the Orchestra of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera under the baton of Łukasz Borowicz along with Izabela Kopeć (mezzo-soprano), Ewa Pelwecka (piano) and Michał Lisiewicz (violin). It is the first monographic album of vocal-instrumental pieces written by the composer. It took Izabela Kopeć four years to collect the repertory and find the right way of interpreting Rogowski's music.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Additional information: https://www.zamek-krolewski.pl