
Warsaw | 10th Interdisciplinary Lenten Festival "The New Epiphanies"


On March 6 −April 14, 2019, the 10th Interdisciplinary Lenten Festival "The New Epiphanies" will take place in Warsaw.

Better if he was not born? At first, Judas was only an addition to us, a biblical exemplification of the subject of money, consumption and betrayal. But he dominated our thinking very quickly. Why did he depart from what he believed in? What were his motivations? Why are there different versions of the events?

There are five theater premieres ahead of us. Bartosz Żurowski and Dawid Zalesky will present contemporary revisions of the history of Judas. The spectacle #chybanieja, which will open the festival's theatrical discussions, was made by the duet Paweł Passini and Artur Pałyga. In their performance, Judas's story seems to run throughout contemporary situations of betrayal like a silver strand. Paweł Passini is also the author of music for this play.

The festival also includes film, culinary and music events. On March 30 at 4.00 p.m. in the Temple of Divine Providence, the "Gloria Patri" concert will take place – a tribute to John Paul II on the 14th anniversary of his death. We will hear eleven Warsaw choirs from academic and church environments that will perform, among others, works by Jakub Neske, Janusz Dąbrowski, and Michał Dąbrowski. There will also be the premiere of Gloria Patri polychoral work by Paweł Łukaszewski, which was composed to the words of doxology. The concert will close with the composition of Zuzanna Falkowska to the words of John Paul II given at the Victory Square in 1979 – Let Your Spirit Descend.

Full programme available at: