
Warsaw | Textures in Resounds


The Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra will perform works by Adam Falkiewicz, Krzysztof Penderecki, Tomasz Sikorski and Paweł Szymsńki on 14 December 2019 at 4 p.m. at the New Theatre in Warsaw.

Homo – and heterophonies, meaning various types of musical textures written for different orchestral voices, are the main theme of the concert. Partita IV by Paweł Szymański, with his trademark interplay between lines overlapping with similar contours (heterophony), and Concertino for trumpet and orchestra by Krzysztof Penderecki, dominated by a single melody over the other voices (homophony) are two very different examples of composer's thinking. Holzwege… by Tomasz Sikorski, author of the anti-homophonic Homofonia (1968), not keen on overly defined ways of organising musical spaces, is another, different sort of musical narration: a static, obsessively repeated frail motif is topped with elegiac sounds of other instruments, while dramaturgical censorships are marked with silence. The intensity of accumulated energy is ushered by compositions by AdamFalkiewicz.

The concert in the Sinfonia Varsovia's "Resounds. New Polish Music" series will be accompanied by Jacek Poniedziałe's audiovisual installation focused on the legacy of Adam Falkiewicz.

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