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The appeal of Polish composers to Polish Radio and public broadcasters – Music lovers and Friends of music, please support us!


Jacek Ajdinović president of the Association of Polish Artists, Weronika Krówka its treasurer, and Maciej Żółtowski president of the Polish Society of Contemporary Music ask you to sign the petition to support contemporary music.

The incomes of composers and classical music performers are "inevitably" incomparably smaller than that of popular music. We also do not have, as can be seen today, a comparable clout.

We appeal to the Polish Radio Programm 2, which has a rich resource of radio and disc recordings for the support of Polish composers by increasing the airtime for the presentation of their work. Existing series with contemporary music, such as "Polish Fantasy" or "Nocturne", must be expanded. For years, Polish music has been featured in these series after midnight; broadcast mostly in the late night and morning, when hardly anyone could listen to it. Let at this difficult time, in addition to masterpieces by Bach, Mozart or Chopin, present to Polish listeners and music lovers works by Polish contemporary composers – with particular emphasis on the artists of the young generation who are just starting their difficult life path. For many of them freelance artists, without savings, it is a particularly difficult moment.

We are also joining the appeal addressed to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland by Janusz Fogler – president of ZAiKS, for a temporary exemption of royalties from classical music taxation. Let royalties stay in the country – during the crisis ...

Link to the petition: https://www.petycjeonline.com/apel_polskich_kompozytorow_do_polskiego_radia_i_nadawcow_publicznych