
Szczecin Philharmonic online!


Mieczysław Karłowicz in Philharmonic Szczecin invites you to online daily meetings with its musicians! Every morning the youngest listeneres will have a chance to participate in EduMornings, while afternoons and evenings will be devoted to various projects of the Orchestra released on the Philharmonic channels on YouTube and Facebook.

The Szczecin Orchestra is an ensemble with over 70 years of history. Since the 2016/2017 season it is run by the Norwegian conductor Rune Bergmann. Under his baton, the orchestra musicians has develop not only the skills to work in a large group, but also in smaller, chamber ensembles and as soloists. Musicians of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra have also taken part in "non-classical" projects: from educational concerts, through jazz performances, concerts with elements of traditional or electronic music, to forms of musical theatre.

As part of the cycle "EduMornings with the Philharmonic", the youngest music lovers and their parents will listen to songs and learn together how to sing and play them. Meetings with DoNuta, loved by children, will be continued.

The Philharmonic will remind music lovers of all its activities – those classical, presenting Polish contemporary music, but also special projects that the orchestra musicians have pursued over the past years. Each evening we will also meet them more privately, during interviews. Video reports on the institution's activities will be broadcast and photo galleries from the concerts will be made available online.

Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic will meet music lovers through its YouTube channel  and Facebook