
The premiere of the virtual art installation "eMaze"

eMazePrzemysław Scheller in collaboration with the visual artist Ashley Pinek invite you on 28 January 2021 at 8.00 p.m. for a sincere response to the cultural and social lockdown – the premiere of the virtual art installation "eMaze" set on the m33t platform.

During the vernissage, you will be able to meet its creators online. The number of participants is limited to 20 but the room will be open for several weeks thereafter.

The online immersion installation is not only an authentic artistic experience. It also takes up the challenge of preserving the social nature of cultural events. It can be visited by anyone in their own home and together with others, sharing their experiences and impressions. To visit the exhibition, use a computer with headphones, microphone and camera, download m33t ( and enter eMaze as a room. In order for others to be able to see and hear all users, m33t must be granted access to the camera and microphone. There is only one eMaze room and it is always limited to 20 participants.

The "eMaze" project was supported by the ZAiKS Author's Association.

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