
AUKSO4kids: "The Scale and Passengers": C – Agnieszka Duczmal

AuksoThe PWM Edition and AUKSO Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy invite you to a monthly series of online events AUKSO4kids: "The Scale and Passengers", that is, to music workshops based on a series of books for children. The first meeting will take place on 23 January 2021 at 11.00 a.m.

The series "The Scale and Passengers" was created on the basis of musical books for children published by PWM Edition, the characters of which are hidden in the sounds of the piano keys: white and black. The AUKSO orchestra musicians will provide sound for the meetings and inivited actors will breathe life into the texts. This is how live radio plays will be made.

The first one, entitled Score for a forest violin – All instruments of Agnieszka Duczmal, will tell about the conductor's musical path and her most wonderful instrument  the orchestra. Joanna Bronisławska (Asi Mina), who will conduct the workshops together with actors and musicians, invites you to an extraordinary world full of sounds and encourage you to make friends with the most important figures of Polish music of the 20th century.

JOIN: Facebook Event