official patronage

Katowice | Multimedia Organ Evening

On the 20th of February 2022 at 5 p.m. in the Silesian Philharmonic a ‘Multimedia Organ Evening’ will take place. The soloist of the evening will be Julian Gembalski, recognized organ player, laureate of many Polish and international awards. The programme of the concert will comprise works by Georg Muffat, Johann Sebastian Bach, César Franck as well as organ improvisations.

The artistic output of Georg Muffat is a combination of German, French and Italian styles of the seventeenth century. The Apparatus musico-organisticus cycle is the biggest collection of organ music and a very popular one in its time. Julian Gembalski will perform collection’s seventh toccata in C major.

We will be also able to listen to Bach’s choral prelude Vor deinen Thron tret’ich and Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 as well as Chorale No. 3 in A-minor of César Franck.

Improvisations of Julian Gembalski will complete the concert.

Press release

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.
