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Laureates of the 5th International "Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta" Composition Competition


We know the results of the 5th International "Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta" Composition Competition under the honorary patronage of Professor Krzysztof Penderecki.

The jury of the 5th International "Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta" Composition Competition composed of: Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, Eugeniusz Knapik, Marcel Chyrzyński, and Jurek Dyba has reached its verdict. The first prize was awarded to Mr. Tomasz Citak (Poland) for the piece Jubilee Sinfonietta: Akira. The jury has also decided to award an honorable mention to Mr. Youngkwang Yang (South Korea) for the piece Jubilee Sinfonietta: Per Aspera ad Astra.

The composition of the first prize laureate, Mr. Tomasz Citak, will receive its premiere on 2 July during the 5th Sinfonietta Festival’s concert For Our Freedom and Yours (The Gallery of the 19th Century Polish Art in The Cloth Hall ‒ MNK branch, 7.00 pm).

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information athttp://sinfonietta.pl/ 

Warsaw | The New Music Scene: Amok Koma


The next concert of the "New Music Scene" series at the New Theatre in Warsaw will take place on 30 June 2019 at 7pm under the title "Amok Koma". The Chain Ensemble will perform works by Bauckholt, Kwieciński, Lutosławski, Romitelli and Stockhausen.

The concert under the palindromic name "Amok Koma" will begin with the hypnotic Kreuzspiel by Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007). This unusual piece composed in 1951 for amplified instruments – oboe, bass clarinet, piano and extended percussion – was recognized by the composer as his first fully original composition. It consists of phases in which the obsessive rhythmic pulsation, on the background of which violent percussive eruptions sound, is combined with a punctual texture, with isolated inputs of individual instruments.

Amok by Carola Bauckholt (born 1959) expresses itself in the image of a particular type of propulsion mechanism (Laufwerk, 2011) treated by this composer in its proper way – mechanistic-animalistic, and at the same time slightly mocking. A somewhat similar attitude is perceptible in the a 6 [+1] by Andrzej Kwieciński (born 1984), whose composition Canzon de 'baci for solo voice and chamber orchestra won in 2014 in the category of Young Composers at the 61st International Tribune of Composers in Helsinki and was included in the group of 10 works recommended in the main category. Subito for violin and piano (1992) by Witold Lutosławski (1913-1994) combines the suddenness of the main theme's attack in the title of the work with a condensed, youthful energy present in the last work written by the composer.

The duality of states between amok and coma – a strong blow alternating with a detachment from reality – is the main concept of the whole concert, and above all the work from which this idea originates: fascinating Amok Koma for instruments and electronics (2001) by the prematurely deceased new music visionary Fausto Romitelli (1963-2004). The composer was interested in "the epiphany of a hidden violence that reveals itself only through the chaotic derivation of [musical] material, through the ritual of its destruction as a discursive element . . . and its resurrection as incandescent material, alien, out of control".

More information athttp://www.nowyteatr.org/

Łowicz | Golden Jubilee – Inauguration Concert of the 20th "Colors of Poland" Festival

FŁThe inauguration concert of the 20th Touring Festial of the Łódź Philharmonic "Colors of Poland" will be held on 29 June 2019 at 7.30pm in the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Nicholas in Łowicz.

In the jubilee year of the Łódź Philharmonic Choir, the programme of the "Colors of Poland" festival has to include a performance of this experienced ensemble. The choir has been enriching the repertoire of the Philharmonic since 1969. Previously, it operated as an amateur band.

The celebration of the golden jubilee began on 17 February 2019 and it will last until March 2020. During this time, there will be over a dozen concerts presenting diverse repertoire. "The philharmonic choir is composed of talented, fully engaged artists - professional enthusiasts whose skills have been appreciated not only by music lovers from Łódź – emphasizes Tomasz Bęben, the general director of the Łódź Philharmonic. – I'm glad that from season to season the choir becomes more and more recognizable as an ensemble of our institution".

The concert in Łowicz will feature works from various eras, from Baroque, through Classicism, to the 20th and 21st centuries. We will listen to, among others, the premiere of Glosa for trumpet and mixed choir by Krzysztof Grzeszczak, a composer associated with Łódź. The work is dedicated to: "Dawid Ber and the A. Rubinstein Łódź Philharmonic Choir on the occasion of the 50th Jubilee". Gloria by Sławomir Kaczorowski will also be performed for the first time. The programme will also include Missa Brevis by Krzysztof Penderecki and Bibi Synku, bi by Anna Rocławska.

More information athttps://filharmonia.lodz.pl/

Warsaw | The Solo Flute Project

Serhii Vilka

A concert titled "The Solo Flute Project" will take place on 27 June 2019 at 6pm in the Ukrainian House in Warsaw (1 Zamenhofa St.), featuring premieres of the works by Polish and Ukrainian composers dedicated to the composer, multiinstrumentalist and conductor Serhiy Vilce.

Serhi Vilka is a graduate of the P. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine in Kiev (flute class of Serhiy Neugodnikov and composition class of Yevhen Stankowycz). He is a co-founder of Sed Contra Ensemble in Kiev. His orchestral and chamber works were performed in Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, the USA, Austria, Moldova and Armenia. Currently, as a scholarship holder of the "Gaude Polonia" in Warsaw, under the supervision of the director of the "Warsaw Autumn" Festival, Jerzy Kornowicz, he is working on new compositions. He was also admitted to the Youth Circle of the Polish Composers' Union.

Serhii Vilka has made over 100 world and Ukrainian premieres of musical works as a soloist and member of chamber ensembles. The upcoming concert will feature Polish premieres of the works dedicated to the artist: Zub' by Oleg Bezborodka, Virus by Andriy Merkel and Breath by Lubawa Sydorenko. The flutist will also perform the world premiere of Insomnia at Dawn composed especially for him by the president of the Youth Circle of the Polish Composers' Union, Aleksandra Chmielewska. For the first time in Poland, the audienco will also listen to Together with light air by Serhija Pilyutikova and A (i) rietta by Serhiy Vilka.

SEE: wydarzenie na FB

12th Southern Greater Poland Music Festival

Festiwal Południowej Wielkopolski

12th Music Festival of Southern Wielkopolska, organized by the Kalisz Philharmonic, will last until 21July 2019. The concerts will take place in Kalisz, Kalinowa, Śmiełów and Ostrów Wielkopolski.

To celebrate the 200th birth anniversary of Stanisław Moniuszko, the musicians will recall well-known and less frequently performed works by the father of the Polish national opera. On 20 July in Kalisz, students and graduates of the Vocal Studies at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music Branch in Białystok will perform selected songs from the Songbook for Home Use series. On 29 July in Kalinowa, Ensemble Frédéric and Adam Klocek will present Mazur from Halka and Polonaise from The Countess opera. The programme will also feature two rarely played string quartets composed by Moniuszko in Berlin.

On 30 June, flutists Agata Kielar-Długosz and Łukasz Długosz accompanied by the Witold Lutosławski Płock Symphony Orchestra will premiere Concerto for two flutes and orchestra "Urbex Concerto" by Wojciech Ziemowit Zych. The work was commissioned by the Institute of Music and Dance as part of the "Collections: Composing Commissions" programme. The festival will also feature Divertimento by Krzysztof Penderecki, combining contemporary music language with eighteenth-century aesthetics. A solo cello part will be performed by Maria Lezczyńska.

Admission to all concerts is free!

Full programme available at: www.filharmoniakaliska.pl 

Warsaw | Summer with Children's Music Gardens

Ogrody Muzyczne

Musical and educational meetings for children aged 5-12 will be held as part of the 19th Music Gardens Festival on 3, 10, 17 and 24 July 2019 at 9:30 and 11:00 am in the courtyard of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

Children's Music Gardens have been held for thirteen years. Since autumn 2016, it includes a series of performances under the name of Magical Music Gardens, in which music meets with other muses: visual arts, theater, literature, architecture and film. Each programme features live music performed by great artists. The culture of selected countries is presented to children with varied and understandable means. This year, these interdisciplinary events will be devoted to Scandinavia, France and the British Isles.

Admission to the meetings is free! Information and registration: Robert Kosim tel. 607 660 810, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at: https://www.dziecieceogrody.pl/terminy-wydarzen/lato-w-miescie-z-dzieciecymi-ogrodami-muzycznymi/ 

„Stabat Mater” Piotra Gryski – sukces zagranicznej premiery dzieła w Ueckermünde

Gryska19 czerwca 2019 roku w barokowym Kościele św. Maryi z neogotycką wieżą w Ueckermünde odbyła się zagraniczna prapremiera Stabat Mater – najnowszego dzieła szczecińskiego kompozytora, związanego obecnie z Akademią Sztuki w Szczecinie, dr. Piotra Gryski.

Po sukcesie szczecińskiej prapremiery 4 kwietnia można było spodziewać się, że utwór spodoba się także publiczności po drugiej stronie Odry. Przewidywania szczęśliwie potwierdziły się. Stabat Mater skomponowane na sopran, alt, chór dziecięcy, organy oraz kwintet smyczkowy składa się z dziesięciu części o różnym charakterze.

Nie brak w nim fragmentów harmonicznie odważnych, z pochodami całotonowymi czy trytonowymi, co mimo dysonansowego brzmienia jest tak samo interesujące w odbiorze, jak i kontrastujące z nimi frazy prowadzone akordami tercjowymi, zwieńczone przepięknymi i subtelnymi taktami chóru a cappella (początek części VI – Eja Mater fons amoris – Matko, źródło ukochania). Część I – Stabat Mater dolorosa (Stała Matka bolejąca), przeznaczona dla chóru i zespołu instrumentalnego koresponduje z częścią X – Amen, w której dołączają sopran i alt solo, spinając niczym klamrą muzyczną cały utwór. W części II – Cujus animam gementem (Jakże w duszy jest zmartwiona) w tempie vivo popisuje się chór i instrumenty smyczkowe, by w III części – O quam tristis et afflicta (Jakże smutna i strapiona) uspokoić emocje oraz tempo spokojnym wejściem altu i sopranu w niskim rejestrze. Początkowo stonowany smutek przeradza się w głęboki żal pokazany krótszymi wartościami rytmicznymi i zrywami w postaci dużych skoków interwałowych w partii sopranu. W ostatnich taktach powraca jednostajny ból zilustrowany długimi wartościami i niskim dźwiękami, przechodzącymi w część IV – Quae maerebat et dolebat (Jakże bolała i cierpiała). Następnie w części V – Quis est homo, qui non fleret (Kim jest człowiek, co nie płacze) znów słyszymy organy oraz przeplatające się partie solowe i chóralne, oparte na melodii korzystającej z upodobaniem ze skoku seksty małej w górę. Wspomnianą część VI – Eja Mater fons amoris - rozpoczyna dwugłosowy chór a cappella, będący znakomitym przeciwstawieniem pełnego brzmienia finału poprzedniej części. Dopiero po chwili dołączają się instrumenty smyczkowe oraz organy i kolejno ułożone akordowo w harmonijnych tercjach głosy solistek. W części VII kompozytor uwypukla głos altowy i proponuje przepiękną i wymagającą arię Sancta Mater, istud agas (Matko święta, srogie rany). Niezwykła w całej swojej postaci część VIII – Fac ut portem Christi mortem (Niech Chrystusa śmierć przeniosę) – to dialog głosów solowych z chórem z towarzyszeniem organów i zespołu kameralnego. Zupełnie inna w charakterze, choć niezmienna pod względem obsady wykonawczej, jest spokojna część IX – Fac me cruce custodiri (Chrystus niech mi będzie grodem) i kontrastująca z nią część X.

Na powodzenie zagranicznej premiery miała niewątpliwie wpływ nie tylko sama faktura dzieła, ale także emocjonalna interpretacja wykonawców. W projekcie wzięli udział: solistki prof. Sylwia Burnicka-Kalischewska (sopran), Aleksandra Wojtachnia (alt), Chór Dziecięcy Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego DON DIRI DON, Jakub Stefek (organy) i Zespół Instrumentalny „Musica”. Całość brawurowo poprowadził za pulpitem dyrygenckim rektor Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie prof. dr hab. Dariusz Dyczewski.

Sylwia Burnicka-Kalischewska

Kraków | 5th Sinfonietta Festival


"Stars and Strings" is the title of the fifth Sinfonietta Festival at the National Museum in Kraków which announces the unique, twenty-fifth season of Sinfonietta Cracovia. The Krakow Orchestra will celebrate with American grandeur on 30 June – 6 July 2019.

The festival will start with minimal music. The director of Sinfonietta – Jurek Dybał will present works of John Cage, Steve Reich, Philip Glass and John Adams. The famous In C by Terry Riley's will be performed under his baton by... the audience!

The "For Our Freedom and Yours" concert will be held in the beautiful interiors of the Krakow Cloth Hall – maintained in the spirit of the broadly understood American idea of ​​freedom and friendship between the nations. The world-famous tenor Stanley Jackson will sing for the first time in Polish! In addition to the songs by Ignacy Jan Paderewski to the words of Adam Mickiewicz, the American singer will perform spirituals songs. This concert will also premiere Jubilee Sinfonietta written by the winner of the 5th International Composers' Competition "Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta" under the honorary patronage of Professor Krzysztof Penderecki.

On the 4th of July, the American Independence Day, Sinfonietta Cracovia chamber musicians and friends will present works by George Gershwin, Steve Reich and Paweł Szymański. The annniversary edition of the Festival will end on 6 July with the final concert in the Cloth Hall featuring unique guests associated with Sinfonietta Cracovia for many years – world-renowned American conductor John Axelrod and legendary clarinettist Michel Lethiec.

Among the non-standard proposals there will be barbecue clubbing and open-air jam sessions.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available atwww.sinfonietta.pl 

Polanica Zdrój | 28th International Organ and Chamber Concerts

Polanica Zdroj

The 28th edition of the International Concerts of Organ and Chamber Music in Polanica-Zdrój will take place on 27 June – 5 September 2019.

International Concerts of Organ and Chamber Music in Polanica-Zdrój is a festival presenting great works of classical and contemporary music performed by renowned artists from Poland and abroad. In addition to important artistic goals, the concerts play a significant educational role through lectures on the history of music as well as socio-cultural role by cultivating the centuries-old tradition of concertising in the Lower Silesian temples, raising the cultural and tourist attractiveness of the region and promoting Polish musical culture among tourists from abroad.

The programme of this year's edition of the Festival will include works by outstanding organ music composers (J.S. Bach, F. Mendelsohn-Bartholdy, J. Pachelbel, G.F. Handel et al.) as well as organ transcriptions of classical and contemporary instrumental music. We will listen to, among others, works by Marian Sawa, Zbigniew Kruczek and Janusz Bielecki.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

DOWNLOAD: program Festiwalu