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Privacy policy

Last modification date: 26.03.2024 The privacy policy describes the rules for processing information about you, including personal data and cookies.   1. General Information   This policy applies to the website operating under the address The operator of the website and the data administrator is   Polish Composers' Union Rynek Starego Miasta 27, 00-272 Warsaw contact email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   The operator is the administrator of your personal data in relation to data provided voluntarily...

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Deklaracja dostępności

Związek Kompozytorów Polskich jako organizator Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC zobowiązuje się zapewnić dostępność swojej strony internetowej zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 4 kwietnia 2019 r. o dostępności cyfrowej stron internetowych i aplikacji mobilnych podmiotów publicznych oraz finansowanych ze środków publicznych (Dz. U. z 2019 r. poz. 848), a także Decyzją wykonawczą Komisji (UE) 2018/1523 z dnia 11 października 2018 r. ustanawiającą wzór oświadczenia w sprawie dostępności zgodnie z dyrektywą Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/2102 w sprawie dostępności stron internetowych...

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Polityka prywatności

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 26.03.2024 Polityka prywatności opisuje zasady przetwarzania przez nas informacji na Twój temat, w tym danych osobowych oraz ciasteczek, czyli tzw. cookies.   1. Informacje ogólne   Niniejsza polityka dotyczy Serwisu www, funkcjonującego pod adresem Operatorem serwisu oraz Administratorem danych osobowych jest   Związek Kompozytorów Polskich Rynek Starego Miasta 27, 00-272 Warszawa adres kontaktowy poczty elektronicznej: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Operator jest Administratorem...

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New Polish Music

The ZKP Library and Music Library since 1945, then the Center for the Documentation of Polish Contemporary Music since 1998, and finally the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC has been documenting Polish music since 2001. We have built and maintain the largest database of contemporary Polish composers and their works (from the second half of the 20th century) "New Polish Music". In the mid-1990s, the process of converting analogue data - index cards and lists - into digital formats began. Currently, the database contains descriptions of over 50,000 works by Polish composers and links to...

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Digital archive

The first digital archive dedicated to Polish contemporary music presents digitized library and archival resources of the Polish Composers' Union. A special collection consists of photos by Andrzej Glanda, Jan Hausbrandt, Marek Suchecki and Andrzej Zborski, to which ZKP has purchased the copyrights, which allow to make them available, also to other entities, without significant restrictions. The Digital Archive provides both scans of manuscripts and digital versions of scores of works by Polish composers, including: compositions that have never been published in professional publishing houses....

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The first Polish online music encyclopedia was published in 2002 on the website. It is dedicated to Polish composers, musicologists, performers, organisers of cultural life as well as music institutions and organizations in Poland. It currently contains over 2,600 entries. The POLMIC music encyclopedia was the basis of the "Music Knowledge Base" of the portal. Personal entries Subject terms

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POLMIC promotes Polish music by organizing concerts and conferences in Poland and abroad, including: in Belgium, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia and Great Britain, often in cooperation with Polish Institutes. A number of international contemporary music conventions were also organized in Poland, including ArtMusFair (2010), the International Conference "Music and Politics" and the Extraordinary concert of music by the President of the Republic of Croatia Ivo Josipović (2011), and the Conference of New Music Festivals (2017). Since...

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POLMIC publishes CDs and occasional books. One of POLMIC's main recording projects is the annual "Warsaw Autumn Sound Chronicle". POLMIC also publishes monographic albums as part of the series "Polish Music Today - Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers". Thanks to the "Musical trace" programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance, recordings of songs that were performed during the Seven Trends Festival in 2016, organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Polish Composers' Union, were released in the form of a seven-CD album.

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The ZKP Library and Music Library since 1945, then the Center for the Documentation of Polish Contemporary Music since 1998, and finally the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC has been documenting Polish music since 2001. Encyclopaedia POLMIC digital archive New Polish Music

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Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

tel: +48 785 370 000

Project support

The website was modernised thanks to the support of the Minister of Education and Science under the Science for Society II program.

Logo Ministerstwa NiSW program Nauka dla społeczeństwa

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