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Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz - Zespół Muzyki Dawnej

Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz - Zespół Muzyki Dawnej

The Bydgoszcz ensemble, Collegium Vocale, was established in the year 1992 which was marked by a growing interest in professional performance of early music in Poland. The group came into being thanks to the fascinating personality of Wieslaw Lisecki, its spiritual father who always willingly and generously shared his abundant musicological knowledge, and the Pomeranian Philharmonic, which protected the group in the initial phase of its life, during the difficult period of its constitution and of working out its own original strains.
The group of four singers, Collegium Vocale, was quickly noticed by the Polish milieu of musicians and musicologists because of their zeal, enthusiasm and determination to succeed. They immediately started to receive invitations to participate in the majority of national festivals of early music. In the years 1992-2004 the ensemble gave over 200 concerts in Poland and abroad (Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Bielarus). Collegium Vocale cooperates with the instrumental ensemble Capella Bydgostiensis and Warsaw ensemble of early music Ars Nova. Their repertoire includes both vocal and vocal & instrumental music to religious and secular texts by the composers from the periods of late Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Collegium Vocale was awarded the 'Fryderyk 2001' prize for recording of religious songs and motets by Waclaw of Szamotuly and Missa paschalis by Marcin Leopolita (DUX 0248).

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