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Kwartet Camerata

Kwartet Camerata

  • Włodzimierz Promiński – I violin
  • Andrzej Kordykiewicz – II violin
  • Piotr Reichert – viola
  • Roman Hoffmann – cello

The Camerata Quartet is one of the greatest Polish chamber music ensembles, which, since its founding in 1984, has won acclaim and recognition among international audiences and critics.

The quartet has performed in renowned concert halls in Europe, America and Asia including: Alte Oper in Frankfurt, the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall, the Great Hall of the Sibelius Conservatory in Helsinki, the Bruxelles Great Hall of the Conservatory, De Doelen Concert Hall in Rotterdam, Concert Hall of the Radio Luxembourg, Sophia Philharmonie, Great Hall of the Conservatory of Bern, the University Great Hall in Munich, Sala Silvestre Revueltas del Centro Cultural Ollin Yoliztli in Mexico City, the Hermitage Theatre Hall and the Conservatory in St. Petersburg, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing, the National Philharmonic in Warsaw.

The Camerata Quartet has taken part in many international festivals, including the Ludwigsburger Schloßfestspiele, the International Music Festival in Łańcut, the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Festival de Wallonie, Festival van Flandern, Ost Belgien Festival, Plovdiv International Festival, Bodensee Festival, Warsaw Autumn, International Festival of Contemporary Music, Warsaw Mozart Festival, Sintra Festival in Portugal.

The ensenble has won a number of international music competitions (1st prize in Paris, 3rd prize in Tokyo and Munich and a special award from Lord Yehudi Menuhin in Portsmouth for the performance of Bartok's String Quartet No. 3).

It has produced 25 records with such companies as DUX, Koch International, Ricercar and Thorofon. They have received many awards - Diapason d'Or (Diapason magazine No. 410 1994), "Sforzando" (Crescendo magazine No. 14 ? 1995) and "Pizzicato Supersonic Award" in Luxembourg (2009). The album featuring Camerata Quartet playing Schubert, recorded by DUX was proclaimed "Record of the Year 1995" by Studio magazine while a record produced by Ricercar, containing Moniuszko and Dobrzyński quartets was nominated for this award in 1997.

In 1991 the Quartet received the Stanisław Wyspiański Award for its achievements. The ensemble has been repeatedly nominated for "Fryderyk", the Polish phonographic industry award (for the recording of quartets by Schubert, Dvorak, Smetana, Szymanowski), and, in 1999 it received the award in the category of Chamber Music for the album "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi.

In March 2004, each member of the Camerata Quartet received the Badge of Merit for Service to Culture, and in March 2009 the Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture –Gloria Artis. Both were awarded by the Minister of Culture.

Apart from concerts and recordings, the members of the quartet have also been involved in pedagogical work and since 1992 have been organising winter courses for string quartets in Gorlice. In recognition for their service they have been granted symbolic keys to the gates of the city by the city authorities in 2003 and in 2005 they received the annual award "Mosty Starosty" granted by the Poviat Starost of Gorlice.

In 2003 the Camerata Quartet founded the Polish Society of Chamber Music.

updated: 2018 (ac)


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