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Varsovia Piano Trio

Varsovia Piano Trio

  • Address data:

  • Warszawa
  • Kategoria:

  • Trio, Instrumental ensemble
  • Ewa Skardowska – piano
  • Adam Zarzycki – violin
  • Piotr Hausenplas – cello


The Varsovia Piano Trio (VPT) was formed in 2004. The group’s artistic aim is to publicly perform chamber literature masterpieces, in particular Polish ones. The group's name is connected with Warsaw as the trio's members are all graduates of the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music (now the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music). Currently two of them teach at their alma mater. The VPT gave numerous concerts in Poland, France, Slovenia, Turkey, Denmark, Romania, Moldova, Finland, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Northern Ireland, Georgia, Egypt, China and Great Britain, receiving audience appreciation as well as excellent reviews from critics.

The group’s output includes a CD of Polish music, with works by Andrzej Panufnik, Ludomir Różycki, Hanna Kulenty and Bernard Chmielarz (DUX, 2006). In 2009 the VPT represented Poland during "Poland!Year" in Belfast, Great Britain and opened the Chopin Year both in the Minsk Philharmonic in Belarus and the Tbilisi Conservatory of Music in Georgia. The same year it also performed the Polish music of the last two decades in Tempelinaukio in Helsinki. In August 2009 the VPT performed works by Haydn, Beethoven and Chopin during the 50th International Chopin Festival in Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic. In February 2010 the trio's members opened the Chopin Year in the Ghuri Palace in Cairo. In October 2011 the group gave concerts during the International Chamber Music Festival at the Central Conservatory and the Beijing Opera in China. The group also did a concert tour of Turkey, which was connected with the Chopin Year.

The VPT gave concerts at the Warsaw Philharmonic, the Kielce Philharmonic, the Opole Philharmonic, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and the University of Warsaw. The group gave several concerts organized by the Polish Composers' Union and it also performed during music festivals in Radom and Świebodzin, "Days of Music" ("Dni Muzyki") in Zamość, The International Conference of ESSLI and the Festival of Artists SPAM.

In 2010-2012 the VPT was collaborating with the Warsaw Piwnica Artystyczna Kurylewiczów. The collaboration has resulted in a music and poetry project comprising solo and chamber works by Andrzej Kurylewicz as well as poetry by Gabriela Kurylewicz. The project has been presented in various forms, in Piwnica Kurylewiczów, Och-Teatr, and Concert Studio S-1 in Warsaw. In September 2011 it was a huge success in Steinway Hall in London.

One of the most important VPT performances abroad was the official concert dedicated to the anniversary of diplomatic relations between Poland and Bulgaria, which took place at the Music Conservatory in Sofia in 2013. The program included Polish (trios of Grzegorz Fitelberg and Ludomir Różycki), Bulgarian and Romanian music.

updated: 2018 (ac)


Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
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