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Warszawski Kwintet Akordeonowy (dawny)

Warszawski Kwintet Akordeonowy (dawny)

  • Address data:

  • Kategoria:

  • Instrumental ensemble

Band members between 1961 and 1989:

  • Włodzimierz Lech Puchnowski
  • Jerzy Jurek
  • Adam Zemła
  • Andrzej Zieliński
  • Henryk Krzemiński
  • Waldemar Dubieniecki
  • Józef Bałakier
  • Sławomir Ratajczyk

The Warsaw Accordion Quintet, winner of the Gold Medal and Grand Prix at the International Competition of Chamber Ensembles in Annemasse, France in 1972, was founded in 1961 by Włodzimierz Lech Puchnowski. and worked under his artistic direction until 1989. The members of the Quintet are outstanding Polish artists, winners of national and international competitions, graduates of Puchnowski accordion class at the  Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw.

During the period of its activity, the band performed 1,600 concerts in Europe and Asia, participated in 25 contemporary music festivals, including the Warsaw Autumn Festival, and made numerous radio and television recordings. The Quintet's repertoire included works of all periods and styles, as well as compositions specially written for the ensemble. They recorded 4 analog and 2 compact discs. Excellent technical mastery and sense of style, extraordinary musicality, commitment and spontaneity, artistic advantages and significant successes have gained the Quintet's universal recognition and deserved respect of the musical world and music lovers in Poland and abroad. For their outstanding achievements, artists have been repeatedly awarded with the Minister of Culture awards.

The quintet played Giulietti accordions produced especially for its members by Zero Sette from Castelfidardo.

updated: 2018 (ac)


Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
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