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Tabęcki Hadrian Filip

Tabęcki Hadrian Filip

Photo.: Darek Senkowski
Navigation Compositions
  • composer, performer


Prelude and Fugue for cello solo (1991)

Three Pictures from the Life of the Regulus for flute, oboe and piano  (1993)

Śpieszmy się kochać ludzi, song cycle to the poems of Fr. Jan Twardowski for  soprano solo, female choir, flute, string quartet and piano (1993)

Delikatne Potwory z Głębin for flute, oboe and piano (1993)

Prelude for piano solo (1994)

Asperges for mixed choir a cappella (1994)

Song over Songs for mixed choir a cappella to the text by Edward Stachura (1994)

Chromatic Concerto No. 1 for concert flute and chamber orchestra (1994)

Toccata for harpsichord and percussion (1995)

ARCHE for flute and piano (1995)

Nous sommes de l’obscurité for oboe, clarinet, bassoon and piano (1996)

Intimate Suite for flute and cello (1996)

Moto perpetuo for string quartet (1996)

Exorcizo te for soprano, cello, percussion and piano (1996)

Tothem for six cellos and percussion (1997)

Nineteen Keys for cello and piano (1997)

Polish Mass according to Fr. Jan Twardowski for 4 soloists, mixed choir and chamber orchestra (1998)

Sonata for violin and piano (1998)

Song of the World, cantata for choirs of 4 religions (Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox and Protestant), soprano and symphony orchestra (2000)

Music for paradocumentary film Z góry widać więcej, dir. by Janusz Kijowski (2002)

Misterium Iniguitatis, oratorio with a libretto by Roman Kołakowski for soloists, choirs and symphony orchestra (2005)

Motus for flute, clarinet, French horn, violin, cello and piano (2005)

Quem Quaeritis - The Mystery of the Way of the Cross, oratorio with a libretto by Roman Kołakowski for 16 singers-actors, soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, choir, instrumental ensemble and symphony orchestra (2006)

Music for the musical Straszna gospoda, dir. by Jan Szurmiej (2007)

Polonia Semper Invicta, historical rock oratorio (2008)

Mysterium Crucis – Siedem Ostatnich Słów Chrystusa na Krzyżu, oratorio for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra (2009)

Zwierciadło Europy, oratorio with a libretto by Roman Kołakowski (2009)

Narvik. Pierwsze zwycięstwo, historical spectacle to the words of Roman Kołakowski (2010)

Krzyżacy, Rock Opera for soloists and rock ensemble (2010)

Dzień Świra, opera to the libretto by Marek Koterski for soloists, mixed choir and symphony orchestra (2012)

Music and arrangements for the spectacle Ah, Odessa Mama!, dir. by Jan Szurmiej (2012)

Music for the play 1920 - Wdzięczni Bohaterom, dir. by Bolesław Pawica (2020)

Struna Światła, song cycle to poems by Zbigniew Herbert for actress, vocal sextet, bass clarinet and piano (2020)

Film music

Music for film Kameleon, dir. by Janusz Kijowski (2001)

Music for film Dziupla Cezaradir. by Wojciech Adamczyk (2004)

Music for film Tango z aniołem, dir. by Tomasz Konecki and Jarosław Marszewski (together with Paweł K.DWOOB Stankiewicz) (2005)

Music for film Lejdis, dir. by Tomasz Konecki (2008)

Stage music

Music for the play Czarownice z Salem according to Artur Miller, dir. by Janusz Kijowski (1999)

Music for the play Szwagierki, dir. by Michał Znaniecki (2000)

Music for the play Tonacja blue albo Blue Room, dir. by Krzysztof Zaleski (2000)

Music for the play Piękny widok according to Sławomir Mrożek, dir. by Janusz Kijowski (2001)

Music for the spectacle Mamy świętego Mikołaja! (2001)

Music for the spectacle Lis Przechera (2002)

Music for television theatre production Piękna Pani Seidenman, dir. by Janusz Kijowski (2003)

Music for the play Romeo and Juliet according to William Shakespeare, dir. by Piotr Szczerski (2003)

Music for the play Palec Boży, dir. by Jerzy Bończak (2004)

Music for the play Sad Princess, dir. by Paweł Aigner  (2004)

Music for the play Śmierdź w górach, dir. by Konrad Imiela and Cezary Studniak (2006)

Music for the play Tango operita: szare kwiaty according to Roman Kołakowski, dir. by Jarosław Staniek   (2006)

Music for the play Mistrz i Małgorzata, dir. by Janusz Kijowski  (2008)

Music for the play Kompania Dropsa, dir. by Marcin Kołaczkowski (2009)

Music for the play Matnia – Sprawa Elbląska, dir. by Rafał Matusz (2014)

Music for the play Wujek.81, dir. by Robert Talarczyk (2016)

Music for television theatre production Wujek.81 Czarna ballada, dir. by Robert Talarczyk (2017)

Music for the play Wedding, dir. by Michał Znaniecki (2018)

Music for television theatre production Okno na tamtą stronę according to Władysław Szlengel, dir. by Artur Hofman (2018)

Music for the play Tuwim - Autobiography, dir. by Janusz Kukuła (2019)


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