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Bloch Augustyn - Wzwyż, Zostań Panie z nami, Anenaiki, Carmen Biblicum ... (ISPV 178 CD)

Bloch Augustyn - Wzwyż, Zostań Panie z nami, Anenaiki, Carmen Biblicum ... (ISPV 178 CD)

The CD is a musical potrayal of one of Poland’s most eminent composers to-date - Augustyn Bloch. The recorded works come from the period 1979-93, and differ both in scoring and character. Their common feature are the frequent references to religious, particularly Biblical, subjects. Stay with us, Lord refers to St Luke Gospel, Carmen Biblicum is based on The Psalms of David. Anenaiki, in its turn, is a Slavonic term for an old melismatic Greek chant, a form of prayer to the “Universal God”. But Upwards received a different inspiration: the portrait of the Duchess Ingeborg zu Schleswig-Holstein. The latter work is a musical representation of ideas such as the cosmos, eternity, light and transcendence. About Musica per tredici ottoni, the composer wrote (in the Warsaw Autumn programme book in 1991): “I wrote many notes for all the musicians - Let them enjoy - I thought - let them have something to play”).

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