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Krzanowski Andrzej - Katedra (ASPRK CD 003)

Krzanowski Andrzej - Katedra (ASPRK CD 003)

Polish Radio Katowice has issued another CD in the original and sublime series “Mystics and Virtuosos”, which presents - the editor claims - “the greatest achievements of contemporary classical and alternative music by composers and performers stemming from Upper Silesia”. The series is distinguished by a unified, refined graphic design and extraordinary, peculiar expressive climate, unique to each individual record. Andrzej Krzanowski’s accordion music enchants with a somewhat melancholy atmosphere, both in the title piece - Cathedral - and in the remaining seven works, two of which also feature a harpsichord and a voice. Krzanowski’s melancholy is by no means mannerist or pretentious, though, it rather provokes a deep reflection. The CD should attract attention, if not for other reasons, then at least for the scarcity of the accordion repertoire.

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