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Paderewski, Stojowski. Muzyka polska na fortepian i orkiestrę (Warner Classics 0190295787561)

Paderewski, Stojowski. Muzyka polska na fortepian i orkiestrę (Warner Classics 0190295787561)

This second Warner Classics album from the Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus sheds light on two of Poland’s greatest composers: Ignacy Jan Paderewski (with a high-energy performance of his famed Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.17 featuring British pianist Jonathan Plowright) and the lesser-known Zygmunt Stojowski (with the world-premiere recording of his Symphony Rhapsody for piano and orchestra, Op. 23).

The recording was made in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw on 7–9 February 2017.


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