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Generations make opera - 2024/2025 season in Grand Theatre in Poznań

logo TeatrWielkiPoznanMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Five premiere performances, including one world premiere, two festivals, special concerts and anniversaries, exceptional artists and more revivals - the theatre is already announcing plans for the coming months. The 2024/2025 season at Poznań Opera will begin at the end of September. After celebrating its return to the stage, it is time to showcase those who make it exist. The 24/25 season will be held under the slogan of Generations emphasising the continuity of the operatic tradition in Poznań.

In 2025, 115 years of the Theatre's existence will have passed, and its history - irrespective of historical turmoil and changes in the name of streets and institutions - continues, playing an important role in the lives of successive artists and audiences.

26 opera and ballet titles will be staged at the Theatre. The performances will be conducted by 11 conductors. Among the guest soloists, apart from Andrzej Filończyk, Randal Bills, Jan Jakub Monowid, Michał Partyka and Krzysztof Bączyk, we will hear Andrzej Dobber ('Rigoletto', 'La Traviata'), Monika Ledzion ('Aida'), Wojtek Gierlach ('The Marriage of Figaro') and Szymon Mechliński.

Press release

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