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Michał Moc's "st(R)uctre" – first online public performance

MocThe premiere of Michał Moc's st(R)ucture will be held on 20 December 2020 at 11.00 a.m. on the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra YouTube channel. The piece was commissioned by the PNRSO as part of the "Composing Commissions" programme carried out by the Institute of Music and Dance.

st(R)ucture is not intended for a traditional "listening", but primarily for auditory exploration online. As many works by Michał Moc (e.g. mYear19 performed by the musicians of the New Music Orchestra in the labyrinth of greenery around the PNRSO Concert Hall), it has a didactic character and focuses on the curiosity of the young listener. st(R)ucture is dedicated in particular to school children and adolescents. In 2020, the pandemic makes it impossible to experience the musical structures in the concert hall – "eye to eye" and "ear to ear" with musicians. The premiere of an "online piece" is something different than playing an instrument on stage. It is an entrance into the st(R)ructure (!) and the specificity of the Internet.

The work consists of four parts. In the second, third and fourth it requires the intervention of ... the listener. The musical material was strictly selected by the composer and it unveils gradually, so that eventually everyone has a chance to associate where the ideas behind the piece came from. The online presentation allows you to get to know the entire st(R)ucture in half an hour, although some will probably explore it faster and spend much more time inside. The st(r)ructure of the work is also different from the perspective of children and adolescents, and different from the perspective of adults. The st(R)ucture is therefore an unusual piece: in the following parts you can join the st(r)ucture and make the piece unique and personal.

More information at: https://nospr.org.pl/pl