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Rzeszów | 3rd International Competition of Polish Music: concert of the laureates

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The concert of the laureates of the 3rd International Competition of Polish Music will take place on the 9th of July, 2023 at 18.00 at the Podkarpacie Philharmonic in Rzeszów and will be repeated on the 26th of September at the Warsaw Philharmonic. The competition is organized by the National Institute of Music and Dance in cooperation with the Podkarpacie Philharmonic, financed by the Minister of Culture of National Heritage and by the Marshal of the Podkarpacie Voivodeship.

Tickets available on the website: https://bit.ly/IIIMKMP-koncert-laureatow-filharmonia 

Details: https://konkursmuzykipolskiej.pl/nagrody/