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Warsaw | Renewable Music: Workshops for composers

RenMus 31.8.23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

As part of the project ‘Renewable Music. V4 Composers for Sustainability’, connecting composers, performers and artistic institutions from the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, at the beginning of September 2023 workshops with experts in the field of music and ecology will take place in Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest.

The series of workshops will begin in Warsaw, where composers will have the opportunity to visit the Castle Gardens on August 31 - September 2, take part in a discussion with Krzysztof Marciniak - a musicologist and acoustic ecologist, and Joanna Tabaka, an ecological educator, and work on original ideas with members of the Hasztag Ensemble, specializing in the performance of contemporary music.

Project website: https://renmus.eu/