As part of the jubilee series "Vivat Academia!" The Institution for the Promotion and Dissemination of Music "Silesia" invites you to an extraordinary meeting with Katarzyna Pleśniak, the chancellor of the oldest music university in Silesia since 2008. The concert will take place on 9 January 2020 at 6.00 p.m. in the Archdiocese Museum in Katowice (ul. Wita Stwosza 16) as part of the "Vivat Academia" anniversary cycle.
Katarzyna Pleśniak received, among others, the Distinguished Cultural Activist badge awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the Golden Laurel of Skills and Competence, "Narcissus" – an award granted to women distinguished by their professional achievements and outstanding social activists and the Pearl of Gentle Women in the field of "Culture, art, passion". The meeting will be led by Violetta Rotter-Kozera and will be accompanied by music. Selected works will be performed by Ms. Chancellor herself, who is a graduate of the Katowice Academy of Music: in 1999 she graduated from the solo singing class of prof. Stanisława Marciniak-Gowarzewska.
The concert will also feature pianists working the Katowice Academy of Music: Paweł Tomaszewski, the dean of the Faculty of Jazz and Popular Music, and Grzegorz Biegas, professor at the Department of Chamber Music, whose main interests revolve around vocal literature.
Free entrance cards are available at the IPiUM Silesia office (2/20 Sejmu Śląskiego Square) or by phone (32) 219 33 44 ext. 21.
Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.
More information at:
Rynek Starego Miasta 27
00-272 Warsaw, Poland
tel: +48 785 370 000
The website was modernised thanks to the support of the Minister of Education and Science under the Science for Society II program.