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Warsaw | 15th Summer Festiwal of the New Town

POLMICNowa Orkiestra Kameralna Foundation invites you to the jubilee 15th Summer Festival of the Warsaw New Town, which will be held at the st. Jack Dominican Church in the Freta 10 street between the 25th of August and the 3rd of September, 2022. At this year's edition of the festival artists such as Janusz Olejniczak, Tomasz Strahl, Katarzyna Duda, Paweł Kowalski, Warsaw Camerata under the direction of Paweł Kos-Nowicki and Popko & Thieu-Quang Duo will perform.

On the 26th of August at 7.00 p.m., a clarinet-piano duo will perform. In the interpretation of pianist Paweł Popko and clarinetist Piotr Thieu-Quang we will hear works by Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Fryderyk Chopin, Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński, Tadeusz Baird, Antoni Szałowski and Witold Lutosławski.

Admission to the concerts is free!

Festival website: https://www.facebook.com/LetniFestiwalNowegoMiasta/ 

Read more: Warsaw | 15th Summer Festiwal of the New Town

Olsztyn | 'Young Dance Spirit’: Ballet Performance about Polish children from Siberia

POLMICOne hundred years ago, the Japanese government admitted nearly 900 Polish orphans from Siberia to its territory, saving them from imminent death. On the 27th of August, 2022 at 18.00 at the stage of the Feliks Nowowiejski Philharmonic in Olsztyn, a ballet about this touching story, ending with a happy return of children to independent Poland - Polish Siberian Children, will be presented.

The play, directed by Wiesław Dudek and choreographed by Krystyna Frąckowiak and Zofia Czechlewska, will be staged as part of the Polish-Japanese ballet project ‘Young Dance Spirit’. Wiesław Dudek - the originator and director of the project - is a dancer, teacher and founder of the Wiesław Dudek Spirit of Dance Foundation.

The music setting for the upcoming performance was prepared by Marek Ciepierski and Miho Kurihara. In their arrangement, we will hear the music of J.I. Paderewski, H. Wieniawski, M. Karłowicz, F. Chopin, K. Szymanowski, Hirai, Hisaiashi, Yamada and others.

Additional information on the website: https://filharmonia.olsztyn.pl/koncert/spektakl-baletowy-o-historii-polskich-dzieci-syberyjskich-mlody-duch-tanca-27-08-2022/ 

Read more: Olsztyn | 'Young Dance Spirit’: Ballet Performance about Polish children from Siberia

Jelenia Góra | 25th Festival Silesia Sonans

POLMICThe 25th Silesia Sonans Festival will take place between the 26th of August and 16th of September, 2022 in the Church of Exaltation of the Cross in Jelenia Góra. 

Andreas Scholl (countertenor) and Edin Karamazov (lute), Capella Cracoviensis, Representative Artistic Ensemble of the Polish Army, Cohaere Ensemble, Silesia Sonans Ensemble, Powszechna Orkiestra Jeleniogórska, Ensemble Vinari among others will take part in the Festival. 

Performed by pianist Julia Kociuban, we will hear polonaises by Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Alfons Szczerbiński, Juliusz Zarębski, Józef Wieniawski and Fryderyk Chopin. The Tansman Trio, on the other hand, will present the trios of Roman Maciejewski, Krzysztof Penderecki and Aleksander Tansman. The 2nd Flute Concerto by Mieczysław Weinberg will be interpreted by Łukasz Długosz and the Lower Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra. 

The festival was co-financed as part of the ‘Music’ programme carried out by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Festival website: https://www.silesiasonans.pl/ 

Read more: Jelenia Góra | 25th Festival Silesia Sonans

Tłokowo | II Klangor – Chamber concerts in Jeziorany

polmicMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

The last days of August (25th to 28th) will provide us with the opportunity to experience the beauty of live chamber music, while being surrounded by picturesque local landscapes and historic architecture of the Polish region Warmia. Cellist and music arranger Michał Pepol (born in Olsztyn, Poland), artistic curator of the second edition of Clangor – Jeziorany Chamber Music Concerts festival invites prominent Polish musicians: pianist and composer Bartek Wąsik, multi-instrumentalist and also composer Jacek Lachowicz and Mela Koteluk – popular Polish singer and songwriter to once again collaborate with him on stage.

The concerts will be held on August 25-28, 2022, each day at 8.00 p.m. (August 27-28 – family concerts at 12.00 a.m.), in the St. Roch Church situated between the villages of Tłokowo and Kramarzewo, Jeziorany.

After a note of Joanna Nowicka-Mróz

Ticket reservation – MOK Jeziorany 89 718 12 16.

More details on the website: www.mokjeziorany.pl/aktualnosci/klangor2022/ 

Read more: Tłokowo | II Klangor – Chamber concerts in Jeziorany

Poznań | Polish music concert at the Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

POLMICOn the 24th of August, 2022 at 2 p.m. there will be a special concert of Polish music organized by the President of the Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk and the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. The concert will take place in the Meeting Room named by Seweryn Mielżyński in Poznań and will be a preview of the CD that will be released by the DUX record company in December 2022.

You will be able to listen to the works of these composers during a concert performed by the Apeiron Trio - piano trio, which includes musicians associated with the Poznań: Hanna Lizinkiewicz - piano, Piotr Kosarga - violin and Jan Czaja - cello. The musicians are winners of national and international music and scholarship competitions.

During the concert, you will hear unjustly forgotten pieces that rarely appear in the repertoires of Polish artists: Henryk Melcer-Szczawiński - Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 2 (1895), Antoni Stolpe - Romance. Duettino for violin, cello and piano (1866) and Ludomir Różycki - Rhapsody for violin, cello and piano, Op. 33 (1913). Moreover, the concert will mark the 150th death anniversary of Antoni Stolpe.

Read more: Poznań | Polish music concert at the Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk

Lusławice | European Union Youth Orchestra, Gianadrea Noseda i Francesco Piemontesi

Patronat medialny nad Festiwalem sprawuje Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

polmicW ramach 10. Festiwalu „Emanacje” 21 sierpnia 2022 o godz. 19.00 w sali koncertowej Europejskiego Centrum Muzyki Krzysztofa Pendereckiego odbędzie się niezwykłe wydarzenie – niewątpliwie jeden z punktów kulminacyjnych tegorocznej edycji. Po raz pierwszy w Lusławicach wystąpi European Union Youth Orchestra pod batutą Maestro Gianandrei Nosedy, towarzysząc międzynarodowej sławy pianiście, Francesco Piemontesiemu.

W kontekście trwającej w Ukrainie wojny, niejako korespondując z lipcowym koncertem Młodzieżowej Akademickiej Orkiestry Symfonicznej „Slobozhansky” z Charkowa, EUYO gości na Festiwalu „Emanacje” w ramach szczególnego cyklu "Peace in Europe Concerts”, wyrażając w ten sposób solidarność z Narodem Ukraińskim jednocześnie podkreślając konieczność ciągłego zaangażowania na rzecz odbudowy pokoju w Europie.

Read more: Lusławice | European Union Youth Orchestra, Gianadrea Noseda i Francesco Piemontesi

Katowice | 16th National Promotion Festival ‘August of Talents’

POLMICPatronat medialny nad Festiwalem sprawuje Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Traditionally, at the end of summer, between the 21st and  the 31st of August, 2022, we invite music lovers to the events of the 16th National Promotion Festival ‘August of Talents’. In line with tradition established last year, we will first meet in Kościuszko Park, to conclude the ‘Promenade after Music’ series with a vocal concert and at the same time to inaugurate the Festival. The next concerts will take place in the Radio Katowice Concert Studio and in the concert hall of the City of Gardens. 

The „Vocal Promenade” will feature participants of the Opera Academy at the Grand Theater – National Opera in Warsaw: Katarzyna Szymkowiak – mezzo-soprano, Sebastian Mach – tenor and Paweł Horodyski – bass, with piano accompaniment by Michał Skowronek and Natalia Pawlaszek. This time we will be given a slightly deeper dive into the emotions of characters from opera literature, as the program will cover works by just three composers: Mozart, Rossini and Moniuszko.

Read more: Katowice | 16th National Promotion Festival ‘August of Talents’

Szczecin | Final concert of the 10th edition of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra

POLMICThe final concert of the 10th edition of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra will take place on the 19th of August, 2022 at 19:00 at the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin. It is an extraordinary educational project and the first fully international youth orchestra in Poland, which was established in 2013, when we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Witold Lutosławski's birth.

Every year, the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin invites young, talented musicians from all over the world to take part in orchestral workshops under the watchful eyes of recognized instrumentalists and teachers.

On the occasion of the jubilee edition of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra, not one symphonic concert will be performed, as it happened up to now, but two! The first one will take place in the main hall of the Berlin Konzerthaus and the second one in the golden hall of the Szczecin Philharmonic.

Press release

More: https://ilyo.filharmonia.szczecin.pl/ 

Read more: Szczecin | Final concert of the 10th edition of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra

Rytwiany, Raków, Stara Zagość | „Z klasyką przez Polskę”: Agata Długosz, Łukasz Długosz, Marek Toporowski

polmicPolski Impresariat Muzyczny zaprasza w dniach 17–19 sierpnia 2022 na koncerty z udziałem znanych polskich flecistów Agaty i Łukasza Długoszów oraz pianisty i klawesynisty Marka Toporowskiego - jednego z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych wykonawców nurtu historycznego w Polsce - w zabytkowych kościołach w województwie świętokrzyskim.

Koncerty odbędą się w ramach cyklu „Z klasyką przez Polskę” 17 sierpnia o godz. 18.30 w Pustelni Złotego Lasu – Klasztorze pokamedulskim w Rytwianach, 18 sierpnia o godz. 19.30 w Kościele Parafialnym św. Trójcy w Rakowie oraz 19 sierpnia o godz. 19.00 w Kościele pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela w Starej Zagości. Polscy wirtuozi zaprezentują Barkarolę Władysława Żeleńskiego na 2 flety i fortepian , Mazurek op. 33 nr 2 Fryderyka Chopina w opracowaniu na 2 flety i fortepian, Rondo à la Krakowiak Józefa Elsnera na fortepian, Andante i Rondo op. 25 Franciszka Dopplera na 2 flety i fortepian, a także utwory Philippe’a Gauberta, Ernesta Köhlera i Astora Piazzolli.

Read more: Rytwiany, Raków, Stara Zagość | „Z klasyką przez Polskę”: Agata Długosz, Łukasz Długosz, Marek...