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Wejherowo | 3rd ArteFonie: 'ObserwARTorium' Music Festival

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

ArteFonie 23The Association of Young Artists of the Wejherowo Region and Art'n'Voices VocalEnsemble invite you to Wejherowo for the 3rd edition of the music festival ArteFonie – ‘The ObservARTory’, which will take place from the 7th to the 10th of September 2023.

ArteFonie is a musical stop on the map of northern Poland. Its idea is to present a widespectrum of classical music, with a particular focus on new trends in this genre. This year's edition is titled ‘The ObservARTory’. The space of ArteFonie will become an observatory - a place where you will be able to see new, extraordinary phenomena on the canvas of contemporary art.

The festival will open on the 7th of September with a concert by the group Kropki, performing alternative music. The artists will present an original blend of classical sounds based on acombination of piano and double bass with electronic accompaniment.

Detailed information available on the websites: www.artnvoices.art/festiwal-artefonie/, www.facebook.com/ArteFonie-103594345267981

Read more: Wejherowo | 3rd ArteFonie: 'ObserwARTorium' Music Festival

We know the prgramme of the 58th Andrzej Markowski Wratislavia Cantans International Festival

Wratislavia 23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

During the 58th Wratislavia Cantans International Festival on September 7-17, 2023, oratorio and cantata music will be heard in the acoustically excellent halls of the National Forum of Music and in four cities of Lower Silesia. The title of this year's edition – ‘Mother Nature’ - was inspired by Haydn's Seasons.

During the inaugural concert, the Wrocław Philharmonic, the Polish National Youth Choir and soloists (soprano Iwona Hossa, tenor Paweł Skłuba and bass Jerzy Butryn) will perform Krzysztof Penderecki's Cosmogony conducted by Christoph Eschenbach.

There will also be performances by Andreas Scholl, Tõnu Kaljuste from the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Wayne Marshall, Alicia Amo and Musica Boscareccia, Accademia del Piacere, Giovanni Antonini from Il Giardino Armonico, European Union Baroque Orchestra, as well as NFM ensembles: Wrocław Baroque Orchestra, NFM Choir, NFM Boys Choir and NFM Girls Choir.

More: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/festiwale/wratislavia-cantans 

Read more: We know the prgramme of the 58th Andrzej Markowski Wratislavia Cantans International Festival

Wrocław | opening of the International Conference of Orchestras: multimedia performance 'Projection' by Paweł Mykietyn

NFM 6.9.23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On the occasion of the opening of the International Conference of Orchestras organized by the NFM, the multimedia performance Projection by Paweł Mykietyn will be presented in an extended version on the 6th of September, 2023 at 20.00.

This event combines elements of music, theatre, visual arts and choreography. During the ‘to visit’ concert, the audience will wander around the NFM building, discovering successive parts of this live sound installation, an important element of which are the musicians' original costumes.

The premiere of the composition took place in September 2021 at the Szczecin Philharmonic. Now the Wrocław audience will hear it performed by the instrumentalists of the National Forum of Music.

Ticket information: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/component/nfmcalendar/event/10641 

Cracow | Music in the salons! 7th 'Cracow Music Salon' Festival

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

KrakowskiSalon 23For the 7th time, the Association of Polish Chamber Musicians invites you to Cracow’s musical salons: to large ballrooms and intimate interiors, and even to apartments! Free concerts popularizing chamber music of Polish composers will take place between September 5-28, 2023.

This year's edition will be unique not only because of the diverse repertoire, but also the performers and concert venues. This year duo Katarzyna Drogosz (piano) and Agnieszka Oszańca (cello), duo Bartosz Koziak (cello) together with Grzegorz Mania (piano), Michał Marcol (violin), Krzysztof Karpeta (cello), Monika Kruk (piano) , Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk (soprano), Anna Bernacka (mezzo-soprano), Jolanta Kowalska-Pawlikowska (soprano), Dominika Grzybacz (piano), and Polish Violin Duo (Marta Gidaszewska and Robert Łaguniak) in a quartet with Magdalena Bojanowicz (cello) and Piotr Różański (piano) will perform.

The concerts will take place at the Villa Decius Institute of Culture, the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University, the Museum of Cracow - Krzysztofory Palace and the Music Salon at Studencka street.

Free tickets are required for the concerts - https://app.evenea.pl/event/7ksm/

Read more: Cracow | Music in the salons! 7th 'Cracow Music Salon' Festival

Katowice | 2nd International Karol Szymanowski Music Competition

SzymanowskiCompetition 5.9.23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On September 5-22, 2023, in Katowice, the most talented young musicians from around the world will take part in the 2nd International Karol Szymanowski Music Competition. Participants will compete in four categories - piano, violin, string quartet and voice. The final gala of the Competition, where you can listen to the winners, will take place on the 23rd of September at 6 p.m. at NOSPR.

In each category, the participants will be judged by international jury composed of recognized figures from the world of music, and the audience. With a prize pool of nearly €300,000 and guaranteed CD recordings and concert invitations, winning the competition can be a turning point in every participant's life.

The technological partner of the second edition of the Szymanowski Competition is YouTube – a platform owned by Google. The cooperation covered a wide range of support, including live broadcasts on the NOSPR YouTube channel.

Read more: Katowice | 2nd International Karol Szymanowski Music Competition

18th International Festival of G. G. Gorczycki

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Gorczycki 23Eleven concerts featuring recognized musicians of the Polish music scene will take place from the 2nd of September to the 1st of October, 2023. 18th International Festival of G. G. Gorczycki titled ‘Evolutions’ aims to show the greatest changes in music that took place in two epochs: Baroque and modern times. Three premieres will take place as well. Free entrance!

During the 18th edition, such ensembles will perform as: the Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra, Camerata Silesia Singers' Ensemble of the City of Katowice, Fortis Quartet, Silesian Chamber Music Quintet, Workshop Choir 'Chórtownia' as well as soloists and conductors: Łukasz Długosz, Agata Kielar-Długosz, Piotr Baron, Anna Szostak, Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz, Leszek Kołodziejski, Marek Wroniszewski, and many others.

The artists will premiere works by Tota pulchra est Renāte Stivriņa, Tango by Leszek Kołodziejski for accordion and harpsichord, and Sonata by Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil for 2 flutes and piano (the composition was created as part of the ‘Composers' Commissions’ programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance).

Detailed programme of the Festiival available at www.gorczycki.pl 

SEE: video announcing the Festival: https://youtu.be/-0Ucmvd4jY4 

Read more: 18th International Festival of G. G. Gorczycki

‘Dazzles and Returns’: ticket sales for the new season of NOSPR now open

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

NOSPR 23.24

On the 5th of September 5 at 10.00 a.m. the ticket sales for the new season 2023/2024 opens. This year's NOSPR programme ‘Dazzles and Returns’ heralds a unique season in many respects.

For the first time in the NOSPR's nearly 90-year history, the post of artistic director will be held by a woman — Marin Alsop, who will dazzle us from behind the conductor's stand. Concert plans also include returns to the flagship works of the symphonic repertoire conducted by Marin Alsop's predecessors: Antoni Wit, Alexander Liebreich and Lawrence Foster.

World premieres of works by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, Hanna Kulenty, Thomas Adès, Nina Šenk, José Maria Sánchez-Verdú, Sofia Avramidou and Moritz Eggert will be presented. For the first time, we will also hear works by Marta Ptaszyńska, Andrzej Dziadek, Tomasz J. Opałka, Piotr Tabakiernik, Artur Zagajewski, Adrian Robak and Mateusz Ryczek, which were created as part of the ‘Composers’ Commissions’ programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Season programme available at the website: https://nospr.org.pl/pl/aktualnosci/oglaszamy-program-sezonu-2023-2024 

Read more: ‘Dazzles and Returns’: ticket sales for the new season of NOSPR now open

Cracow | Szymanowski Festival / Poland / World

SzymanowskiPolska 23

The Szymanowski Festival / Poland / World is - for the sake of the institution's patron - one of the most important international projects organized by the Cracow Philharmonic. As part of the 4th Festival, which will last from the 3rd of September to the 7th of October, 2023, there will be, among others, inauguration of the 79th artistic season and an extraordinary concert on the occasion of Krzysztof Meyer's 80th birthday.

Announced with a prologue in 2017, when we celebrated the 135th anniversary of the composer's birth and the 80th anniversary of the composer's death, the Festival gathers admirers of the work of this one of the greatest Polish composers, which is presented in relation to the works of contemporary composers and cultural trends, that appeared in Europe and the world at that time. A special event in this year's programme will be the 90th anniversary of the birth of Krzysztof Penderecki and Henryk Mikołaj Górecki.

Detailed programme: https://filharmoniakrakow.pl/public/festiwale/Festiwal%20Szymanowski%20/%20Polska%20/%20%C5%9Awiat/ 

Read more: Cracow | Szymanowski Festival / Poland / World

Lublin | Jubilee concert on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Henryk Wieniawski Music Society in Lublin

JubileuszowyKoncert 125 3.9.23On the 3rd of September, 2023 at 17.00 in the Lublin Philharmonic, a jubilee concert will take place on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Henryk WIeniawski Music Society in Lublin, which will also inaugurate the 12th S. Serwaczyński Violin Competition. Admission to the concert is free.

Violin Competition named after Stanisław Serwaczyński is a permanent event organized every three years. The organizer of the Competition, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the City of Lublin, is Henryk Wieniawski Music Society.

The September concert will feature the Radom Chamber Orchestra conducted by Szymon Morus, organist Maciej Zakrzewski, violinists Lucjan Szaliński-Bałwas and Marcin David Król

Presented works will be: Caprice No. 1 Op. 18 and Obertas No. 1 Op. 19 by Henryk Wieniawski, Variations on the Melody of ‘Hava Nagila’ by Ewelina Nowicka, Orawa by Wojciech Kilar, and premiere works by Harvey Hope.

Additional information: https://wieniawski.lublin.pl/