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The results of the 3rd Marek Stachowski Competition of Young Composers 2018


Jury of the 3rd Marek Stachowski Competition of Young Composers, composed of: prof. Zbigniew Bargielski, dr hab. Marcin Bortnowski, dr hab. Marcel Chyrzyński, prof. Wojciech Widłak (chairman), at the sitting on 16 February 2018 at the Academy of Music in Krakow, decided as follows:

The Main Award in the form of the premiere at the concert during the 30th International Festival of Cracow Composers in April 2018 was given to Jakub Królikowski (emblem of "apple pie with ice cream"), born in 1988, a graduate of the composition class of prof. Zbigniew Kozub at the  I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, for the piece The Myth About Hermaphrodite for flute, viola and harp.

Two equal honorary distinctions were awarded to: Katarzyna Bem (emblem "KCKBKR"), born in 1991, a student of the composition class of dr. hab. Cezary Duchnowski at the K. Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław, for Harpie for flute, viola and harp, and Żaneta Rydzewska (emblem "X3824"), born in 1991, a student of the composition class of prof. Stanisław Moryto at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and Brigitte Muntendorf at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne (Germany) for mono for flute, viola and harp.


The awards ceremony along with the world premiere of the composition of the Grand Prize winner will take place during the concert on 21 April 2018 at 6.-- p.m. at the MOCAK Contemporary Art Museum in Krakow (4 Lipowa St.), as part of the 30th International Festival of Cracow Composers.

5th Krakow Cello Spring


The 5th Krakow Cello Spring, organized by the Department of Cello and Double Bass at the Music Academy in Krakow, will take place on 20-23 March 2018.

The fifth jubilee edition of the event coincides with the 130th anniversary of the Academy of Music in Krakow. The programme was constructed in a diverse way to show the cello as a versatile instrument. A galaxy of Cracovian cellists and contrabassists will meet the audience at the Florianka Auditorium and the Concert Hall at 43 Saint Thomas Street.

The fesitval will begin with a jubilee concert of the employees of the Department of Cello and Double Bass (20 March). It is safe to say that everyone will find something for themselves in the programme. There will be cello classics, works arranged for cello and double bass and Polish contemporary music – pieces by Dorota Imiełowska and Artur Zagajewski. The next concert (21 March), preceded by the afternoon lecture, will be devoted entirely to the music of Fryderyk Chopin i n the interpretation of prof. Stanisław Firlej. The concert hall during the Thursday concert (22 March), dedicated to cello and electronics , will be filled with light, multimedia and various sound effects, created by such authors as Tomasz Jakub Opałka, Magdalena Długosz, Dorota Imielowska, Mateusz Bień and Łukasz Pawlikowski. The final of the festival will be the "Only Cello!" Project, very much liked by students and the audience, co-organized by the Cellists' Scientific Society. It will be filled with film and contemporary music, among others Adagio ricordamente by Marek Stachowski and Introspection for five cellos, Op. 2 by Krzysztof Meyer.

Admission to all concerts is free.

Detailed program available at: www.amuz.krakow.pl

Warsaw | ZAiKS 100th Anniversary Concert – Jubilee Gala at the Grand Theatre


On 19 March 2018 at the Grand Theater – National Opera in Warsaw, the 100th anniversary of the Association of Authors ZAiKS will take place. The most outstanding Polish artists will take part in this event, including the greatest stars of Polish classical music, popular music and jazz. Recognized representatives of Polish culture will appear both on the stage and among the audience.

During the gala ceremony, the 100th anniversary awards of ZAiKS for Krzysztof Penderecki, Tomasz Stańko, Mirosław Bałka, Krzysztof Zanussi, Ryszard Horowitz, Jacek Cygan, Janusz Gajos, Agnieszka Duczmal, Leon Tarasewicz and Wiesław Myśliwski will be handed out. On this occasion, ZAiKS's Honorary Memberships will be granted to Jean-Michel Jarre, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, Adam Makowicz, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Emil Wesołowski, Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz, Joanna Kulmowa, Janusz Majewski and Pen Club Poland.

The gala will be accompanied by a two-hour concert of the 100th anniversary presenting the achievements of ZAiKS members performed by the greatest stars of the Polish stage. More than 250 artists will appear on the stage. Representatives of several generations of diverse genres and musical traditions will meet in the Grand Theater. Especially for this occasion, a new arrangements of works has been prepared. Fragments of nearly seventy unforgettable works written by over a hundred Polish artists will be presented.

The 100th anniversary concert will open a pre-war retrospective by Marcin Masecki. Film music of Wojciech Kilar, Krzysztof Penderecki, Jerzy "Duduś" Matuszkiewicz, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, Krzesimir Dębski and Michał Lorenc will also be played by the Orchestra of the Grand Theater under the direction of Krzesimir Dębski. We will also hear Fryderyk Chopin's songs. His work has been an inspiration for many generations of composers. This time, the artist's work will be interpreted by a world-famous Polish musician – Włodek Pawlik. The culmination of the event will be a fragment of Karol Szymanowski's Stabat Mater performed by opera singers: Iwona Hossa, Małgorzata Panko and Jarosław Bręk with the choir and orchestra conducted by Jerzy Maksymiuk. Paulina Bidzińska – soloist of the Polish National Ballet and the Eurovision ballet winner – will perform a choreographic arrangement by Emil Wesołowski. The authors of the arrangement for symphony orchestra are Krzysztof Herdzin, Jakub and Dawid Lubowicz, Aleksander Maliszewski, Marcin Masecki and Krzesimir Dębski. The musical setting of the gala will be based on motifs from Mieczysław Karłowicz's symphonic poems: Episode at a Masquerade op. 14 and Stanislaw and Anna Oswiecim op.12.

More information at: http://www.zaiks.org.pl

Warsaw | 22nd International Symposium "Beethoven and Great Anniversaries"

fbThe International Symposium "Beethoven and Great Anniversaries" will take place between March 19-20, 2018 roku at "Zachęta" – National Gallery of Art (Warsaw, 3 Malachowskiego Place) as part of the 22nd Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival.

As in the previous years, the main concert programme is complemented by regular accompanying events: Exhibition of Musical Manuscripts at the Jagiellonian Library and International Scientific Symposium. The symposium is a musical-scientific-humanistic reflection on Beethoven's music and its influence on the work of other composers. The products of the symposium are books documenting the presented papers (the first book contains papers from 1997, 1998, 1999, the second from 2000, 2001, 2002), published in two language versions: Polish and foreign.

This year, scholars from various continents will take part in the conference, including Irena Poniatowska (NIFC), Helmut Loos (Universität Leipzig), Susana Zapke (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien), Michael Heinemann (Hochschule für Musik Dresden), and Hermann Jung (Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim), Marcin Trzęsiok (Academy of Music in Katowice), Christine Siegert (Beethoven-Haus Bonn), Ewa Schreiber (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Liu Xiaolong (Peking University), Maciej Negrey (Academy of Music in Krakow), Ryszard Daniel Golianek (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Siglind Bruhn (University of Michigan, USA), Małgorzata Grajter (Academy of Music in Łódź).

The lectures will be presented both on the work of Beethoven and on Polish music of the 19th-20th centuries: Katarzyna Szymańska-Stułka (Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw) – Roman Palester, the road to freedom, Teresa Malecka (Academy of Music in Krakow) – Polish music of the second half of the twentieth century as a road to new independence (1989), Iwona Sowińska-Fruhtrunk (Academy of Music in Krakow) The idea of ​​freedom and its musical representation in "The Survivor of Warsaw" op. 46 by Arnold Schoenberg and "Kadisz" by Krzysztof Penderecki.

More information at: http://beethoven.org.pl/festiwal/ 

„Norwid” po raz siedemnasty

nRuszyła XVII edycja Nagrody im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida przyznawanej przez Samorząd Województwa Mazowieckiego. Zgłoszenia kandydatów – do 30 kwietnia 2018 roku.

Nagroda przyznana zostanie twórcom mieszkającym lub tworzącym na Mazowszu za dzieła i kreacje zrealizowane w 2017 roku na terenie województwa mazowieckiego. Zgłaszać można kandydatów w czterech kategoriach: Literatura, Muzyka, Sztuki plastyczne i Teatr. Statuetka Norwidowska wręczona zostanie również w kategorii „Dzieło życia” za całokształt twórczości.

Kandydatów do Nagrody mogą zgłaszać: instytucje kultury, uczelnie wyższe, wydawnictwa i redakcje działające na terenie województwa mazowieckiego, oddziały ogólnopolskich związków twórczych, twórcy indywidualni, a także członkowie kapituł. W przypadku Nagrody „Dzieło życia” uprawnionymi do zgłaszania kandydatów są ponadto mieszkańcy województwa mazowieckiego.

Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać: dane kandydata, jego notkę biograficzną oraz szczegółowe uzasadnienie Wniosku wraz z udokumentowaną charakterystyką osiągnięcia. Wniosek można pobrać ze strony internetowej www.norwid.mazovia.pl.

Kandydata zgłosić można na trzy sposoby:

• elektronicznie na stronie internetowej Nagrody: www.norwid.mazovia.pl;

• pocztą elektroniczną na adres e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

• listownie.

Informacja o nagrodzie i składanie wniosków: Ligia Socha, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tel. 22 432 45 57

Kontakt dla mediów: Magdalena Denko, tel. 22 586 42 36; 601 668 45, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Prof. Danuta Szlagowska has died at 72


Prof. dr hab. Danuta Szlagowska, a scholar with great knowledge and passion, a member of the Polish Composers' Union, died on 13 March 2018.

The outstanding musicologist taught at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk since 1976 at the Department of Conducting, Composition and Theory of Music. In the years 2008-2016 she was the vice-director of the Institute of Music Theory, she was the coordinator of research projects related to music of the old Gdańsk. She teached classes in the history of music and music literature, as well as music psychology.

Apart from the Gdańsk University, in the years 2008-2014, she worked as a professor at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, and also for ten years (1993-2003) lectured at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.

Danuta Szlagowska's achievements are extremely broad. A special place in her scientific research is taken by the history of music and music life of the old Gdańsk. As a result, monumental editions of catalogs were prepared, including a list of Gdańsk compositions in the collections of PAN Library in Gdańsk, State Archives in Gdańsk and State Library in Berlin. A number of articles devoted to this issue were published by the Gdańsk Music Academy Publishing House, and the last extremely important achievement in this field was the Thesaurus Musicae Gedanensis series (together with Prof. D. Popinigis), with the music editions of treasures of XVII century Gdańsk published in individual volumes.

From 1996, she was a member of the Polish Composers' Union.

Funeral ceremonies will take place on 17 March 2018 at the Central Cemetery "Srebrzysko" in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz (2 Srebrniki Street) at 11.00 a.m.


Classical:NEXT – Rotterdam, 16-19 maja 2018

cnInstytut Adama Mickiewicza ogłasza kolejny otwarty nabór delegatów – polskich muzyków, menedżerów i promotorów – na najważniejsze targi muzyki klasycznej w Europie Classical:NEXT, które odbędą się w dniach 16–19 maja 2018 roku w Rotterdamie.

Mając na uwadze potrzebę rozwoju polskiego rynku muzyki klasycznej oraz promocji jego potencjału za granicą, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza po raz drugi organizuje stoisko polskie na Classical:NEXT. Nabór adresowany jest do tych organizatorów życia muzycznego, którzy pragną promować polskich artystów za granicą, rozszerzać sieć kontaktów i dystrybucji, podejmować współpracę z międzynarodowymi partnerami, a przede wszystkim – mają przemyślaną wizję międzynarodowej obecności artysty, produktu lub firmy/instytucji, które reprezentują. Osoby wyłonione w naborze zostaną zaproszone do wzięcia udziału w targach Classical:NEXT jako członkowie polskiej delegacji.

Classical:NEXT łączy formułę targów i konferencji branżowej. Stwarza uczestnikom możliwość swobodnych spotkań z najważniejszymi przedstawicielami międzynarodowego środowiska muzycznego, sieciowania, udziału w licznych konferencjach tematycznych i śledzenia najnowszych trendów w branży (w tym zastosowania nowych technologii w muzyce klasycznej). W 2017 roku wydarzenie zgromadziło około 1200 delegatów reprezentujących 640 firm i instytucji z 45 krajów, w tym: artystów, agentów koncertowych, przedstawicieli wytwórni płytowych, wydawców, agencji muzycznych, dystrybutorów, producentów, przedstawicieli mediów i instytucji artystycznych (www.classicalnext.com).

Żeby się zgłosić należy wypełnić formularz zgłoszeniowy (dostępny na stronie www.iam.pl) i przesłać go na adres: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. do 2 kwietnia 2018 roku, do godz. 23:59. Wyniki naboru zostaną ogłoszone 5 kwietnia 2018 roku na stronie www.iam.pl 

Warszawa | Premiera quasi-opery dla dzieci Piotra Wróbla

fn18 marca 2018 roku w Filharmonii Narodowej odbędzie się premiera quasi-opery dla dzieci w dwóch aktach Piotra Wróbla Król Midas w rękach bogów na podstawie scenariusza Katarzyny Podlasińskiej.

Kolejna premiera z cyklu „Opera w filharmonii” będzie wyjątkowym wydarzeniem. Po raz pierwszy zaprezentowana zostanie opera dla dzieci powstała w 2017 roku na specjalne zamówienie Filharmonii Narodowej. Głównym bohaterem przedstawienia Król Midas w rękach bogów w reżyserii Jitki Stokalskiej jest mityczny król Midas. Jego historia jest powszechnie znana i przez swą prostotę, a zarazem mądrość przemawia tak do dorosłych, jak i do dzieci. Król Midas zasłynął z zamiłowania do bogactwa oraz z tego, że przyprawiono mu ośle uszy. Podobnie jak inne postacie z mitologii, był igraszką w rękach bogów. Dlatego na scenie pojawią się tym razem mieszkańcy Olimpu, którzy mimo swego boskiego pochodzenia wcale nie są wolni od ludzkich słabości i przywar.

Nowością tej opery jest również obsada. Obok fortepianu pełniącego rolę orkiestry pojawi się złocisty puzon, który będzie symbolizował władcę o oślich uszach.

Utwór prawykonają: Magda Beucher (sopran), Krzysztof Ciupiński-Świątek (tenor), Karol Skwara (bas), Piotr Wróbel (puzon), Maurycy Stawujak (fortepian). Poprowadzi wydarzenie Katarzyna Podlasińska.

Informacja o biletach: http://filharmonia.pl

Minsk | A musical journey through the century


A concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland will take place at the Belarusian State Philharmonic in Minsk on 18 March 2018 . The Classic-Avangard ensemble, directed by Wladimir Bajdow, will perform works by Polish and Belarusian composers.

The organizers of the concert are the Polish Composers' Union, the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC, the Polish Institute in Minsk and the Belarusian State Philharmonic. The project is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the Multiannual Program INDEPENDENT 2017-2021, as part of the grant program of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute "Cultural bridges".

"With this concert, we want to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of Poland's regaining independence in 1918. After 123 years of partitions, when Poland existed only in the hearts of Poles, the Republic returned to the map of Europe and the world as an independent country. In the program of the concert, we have works by Ignacy Jan Paderewski, a great pianist and an outstanding composer, but also a politician. Thanks to him, the cause of Poland's independence gained the support of the United States of America, and he himself was – albeit briefly – the first prime minister of the Polish government after regaining independence. The program also includes works by Karol Szymanowski, the most outstanding composer of independent Poland, reborn in 1918. At this time, Polish avant-guard was born, and Szymanowski was its father in the field of music. Zygmunt Krauze, a contemporary composer with an exceptionally expressive individual feature, also refers to the interwar avant-garde. He reaches for the pattern of "unism", the theory formulated by Władysław Strzemiński, one of the most important painters and theoreticians of that new Polish avant-garde, who regained independence. The works of these and other Polish composers are complemented by works of composers associated with Belarus. I am curious about Polish themes in their compositions, for example Dzmitry Łybin will present a piece entitled Journey from Cracow to Vienna" – noted Mieczysław Kominek, Managing Director of the Polish Composers' Union.

The management of the Belarusian State Philharmonic emphasizes: "This concert will be a musical gift for the neighboring Republic of Poland on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of independence and will once again confirm the long and close friendly relations between our republics."

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Additional information – on the website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

More about events related to Polish culture around the world at: www.culture.pl