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Katowice | "Chór – Mistrzowsko!" Competition for choirs from the Silesian Voivodeship

Event date: 2024-06-14

ChorMistrzowsko 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Silesian Philharmonic invites amateur choirs from the Silesian Voivodeship to participate in the Competition, the winners of which will have the opportunity to perform on the stage of the Karol Stryja Concert Hall together with the Silesian Philharmonic Choir, as part of the new concert series "Choir-master!". Applications for the competition are accepted until the 14th of June, 2024.

The Silesian Philharmonic Choir, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in the 2024/2025 artistic season, has decided to join the promotion of Silesian choirs and the works of the institution's patron, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. Therefore, the programme of anniversary events will include not only concerts, but also a Competition, organized in cooperation with the Chórtownia Foundation and the Silesian Association of Choirs and Orchestras.

Rules and regulations: https://filharmonia-slaska.eu/chor-mistrzowsko-konkurs-dla-chorow 

Read more: Katowice | "Chór – Mistrzowsko!" Competition for choirs from the Silesian Voivodeship

Łomża | Na szczytach w Filharmonii Kameralnej w Łomży

Event date: 2024-06-06

Lomza 6 6 24Patronat medialny nad koncertem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Łomżyńska Filharmonia Kameralna im. Witolda Lutosławskiego zaprasza na koncert, którego myślą przewodnią będą góry wraz z ich pięknem i majestatem. 6 czerwca 2024 o godz. 18.30 jako solista wystąpi skrzypek Mateusz Kasprzak-Łabudziński, który wykona "Hombark Concerto" Sławomira Czarneckiego. Orkiestrę Filharmonii poprowadzi dyrygent i kompozytor Rafał Kłoczko.

Mateusz Kasprzak-Łabudziński to laureat wielu międzynarodowych i ogólnopolskich konkursów solistycznych oraz muzyki kameralnej. Koncertował w najbardziej renomowanych salach koncertowych Europy, m.in.: Musikverein i Konzerthaus w Wiedniu, Konzerthaus, Filharmonia w Berlinie, Tonhalle-Maag w Zurichu. Prowadzi jako koncertmistrz austriacką orkiestrę kameralną "Camerata Polonia”. Jest założycielem oraz liderem zespołu kameralnego Sinfonietta Viennoise w Wiedniu.

W wykonaniu artystów usłyszymy także Polonez z opery "Hrabina" Stanisława Moniuszki, "Koncert staropolski" Romualda Twardowskiego oraz Suitę w dawnym stylu "Z czasów Holberga” Edwarda Griega.

Bilety do nabycia na stronie filharmonii oraz w kasie biletowej FKWL na godzinę przed koncertem.

Więcej informacji o koncercie: https://filharmonia.lomza.pl/wydarzenie/na-szczytach/ 

Toruń | 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Festival and Competition

Event date: 2024-06-03

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

KonkursLipinskiego 24

The 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Festival and Competition will be held from the 20th of September to the 6th of October, 2024 in Toruń. The event is organized by the Toruń Symphony Orchestra. The deadline for submission of competition applications, is the 3rd of June, 2024.

Participation in the Competition is open to violinists of all nationalities, born between 1989 and 2005.

The chairman of the international jury will be Prof. Daniel Stabrawa. Violin virtuosos from all over the world will also be assessed by Prof. Dainius Pavilionis (Lithuania), Prof. Rūta Lipinaitytė (Lithuania), Prof. Pavel Vernikov (Ukraine), Dr. Jakub Jakowicz, Prof. UMFC (Poland).

Rules and regulations: www.lipinski-competition.com/page/regulamin 

Read more: Toruń | 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Festival and Competition

Łącko | 10th Małopolska Academy of Talents

Event date: 2024-06-03

MalopolskaAkademia 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The 10th Małopolska Academy of Talents is a unique event that will take place on June 28 - July 6, 2024 in Łąck, Małopolska, organized by the "Porta Musicae" Artistic Association. Thanks to the support of the Małopolska Voivodeship, the organizers have launched a scholarship programme for participation in this year's edition. Deadline for submitting applications is the 3rd of June.

The Małopolska Academy of Talents offers music courses for young instrumentalists who want to expand their musical horizons and improve their skills under the supervision of famous teachers. Participants have the opportunity to work with them during individual lessons and joint concerts.

This year, the courses will be conducted by ten teachers: Jan Kalinowski (cello), Gajusz Kęska (piano), Bartłomiej Kominek (piano duets), Piotr Lato (clarinet), Oriana Masternak (violin), Maria Shetty (viola, orchestral studies), Wioletta Strączek (flute), Marek Szlezer (piano), Małgorzata Wasiucionek-Potera (violin), Marek Żebrowski (piano).

More information: https://kursymuzyczne.com/mat/ 

Read more: Łącko | 10th Małopolska Academy of Talents

Wrocław | Aurelia's world - musical meetings for children with Down syndrome

Event date: 2024-06-02

NFM 2 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On the 2nd of June 2024 as part of the "Accessible Culture" programme, the National Forum of Music invites you to "Children's Day without Barriers" - musical meetings addressed to children and young people with Down syndrome. Three meetings will be held at 10.00 (for children aged 5 to 8), 11.00 (for children aged 2 to 4) and 12.00 (for children aged 9 to 12). The musical foundation of the project is "Aurelia's Songs" by Mateusz Ryczek, which is a portrait of the composer's daughter born with trisomy 21.

Participants will be actively involved in the meeting. They will experience various situations and emotions together with the title character. They will be guided through multi-sensory activities through scenes from little Aurelka's everyday life. The audience will also have the opportunity to learn about wind instruments, the illustrative nature of music and the importance of onomatopoeic sounds.

The LutosAir Quintet will perform and the meeting will be led by Aurelka's mother, Sandra Ryczek.

To receive an invitation, please contact the project coordinator.

Additional information: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/component/nfmcalendar/event/11440 

Read more: Wrocław | Aurelia's world - musical meetings for children with Down syndrome

Poznań | Jerzy Fryderyk Wojciechowski "Blee” Opera on the Children's Day

Event date: 2024-06-01

Bleee - opera dla dzieciMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On the 1st of June 2024 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., as well as on the 2nd of June (at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.), Poznań Grand Theatre, on the occasion of Children's Day, invites the whole family to a chamber opera for children entitled "Blee" by Jerzy Fryderyk Wojciechowski to a text by Malina Prześluga, one of Poland's best-known playwrights.

A colourful band of insect singers will present a work that is at once moving, funny and an excellent introduction to the world of opera!

More: https://opera.poznan.pl/pl/bleee-2 

Read more: Poznań | Jerzy Fryderyk Wojciechowski "Blee” Opera on the Children's Day

Wrocław | 2024 Children's Day in NFM

Event date: 2024-06-01

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

NFM 1 6 24On Children's Day, the National Forum of Music invites entire families to the magical world of sounds and melodies. On the 1st of June, 2024, the audience will be treated to unforgettable experiences: concerts, workshops, games, a musical obstacle course, animation zones, a reading corner and places to relax.

The NFM foyer space will be filled with the sounds of live music; the proximity of musicians and instruments will allow you to take a closer look at them and discover the secrets of their playing. During a musical trip to the zoo with professional musicians, we will move to the world of exotic animals, but children will also have the opportunity to join in creating music together.

Read more: Wrocław | 2024 Children's Day in NFM

Warsaw | “Don't be afraid to improvise! Final concert of the workshop

Event date: 2024-06-01

Nie boj 1 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Polish Society for Contemporary Music invites you to the closing concert of the “Don't be afraid to improvise!” workshop for students of the Henryk Wieniawski State Music School No. 5 in Warsaw. The concert, which will take place on the 1st of June, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in the Concert Hall of the School, will feature the workshop participants, as well as the hosts: double bassist Małgorzata Kołcz and composer and pianist Jarosław Siwiński. Admission is free!

For many years, Małgorzata Kołcz and Jarosław Siwiński, applying their original methods in education, have been promoting the idea of teaching improvisation to the youngest and working with children in various parts of Poland. Under their guidance, young artists learn alternatives to the overwhelming mass culture and open themselves to contemporary music.

Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/906460944567126 

Read more: Warsaw | “Don't be afraid to improvise! Final concert of the workshop

Zmarł kompozytor i pianista Piotr Jan Ulatowski...

Event date: 2024-06-01

Ulatowski PiotrZ przykrością zawiadamiamy, że ok. 11 maja 2024 roku zmarł w Sopocie kompozytor i pianista Piotr Jan Ulatowski (1958-2024). Uroczystości pogrzebowe odbędą się w sobotę 1 czerwca o godz. 9.00 na cmentarzu Srebrzysko w Gdańsku-Wrzeszczu.

Był absolwentem Akademii Muzycznej im. St. Moniuszki w Gdańsku, gdzie studiował teorię muzyki (dyplom w roku 1986), a także kompozycję (1983-1985) w klasie prof. Ewy Synowiec. Był laureatem II nagrody i wyróżnienia na Ogólnopolskim Konkursie dla Studentów Klas Kompozycji w Gdańsku w roku 1982, II nagrody Ogólnopolskim Konkursie Kompozytorskim w Międzyzdrojach w 1984 roku za utwór na chór a cappella. W 2016 roku jego piosenka pt. „Siedzieliśmy cichutko” do słów Ernesta Brylla została wyróżniona w Toruniu podczas Ogólnopolskiego Przeglądu Teatrów.

Read more: Zmarł kompozytor i pianista Piotr Jan Ulatowski...