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Warsaw | Bogusław Schaeffer in memoriam


The Polish Radio Choir invites you to a concert dedicated to the outstanding Polish artist "Bogusław Schaeffer in memoriam", which will take place on 18 October 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw (59 Modzelewskiego St.).

The concert on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the composer who passed away only three month ago, on 1 July 2019, will premiere Sławomir Kupczak's Glosolalia commissioned by the Polish Radio Choir. The work is an attempt to unconsciously pronounce sounds resembling a language, especially in a state of deep, internal mystical experience. It is a mumbling in a non-existent language, a study of noise. The composer used characteristic chords derived from Georgian religious songs, as well as the song Szen Char Wenachi from the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries.

The highlight of the "Bogusław Schaeffer in memoriam" concert will be the performance of Schaeffer's Missa Elletronica for mixed choir and tape. The Polish Radio Choir under the direction of Maria Piotrowska-Bogalecka will be accompanied by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz, responsible for sound projection.

Information on tickets at: http://www.studianagran.com.pl/koncerty/sala-witolda-lutoslawskiego/ 

Elbląg | European Musical Classics with the Elbląg Chamber Orchestra


A concert of the Elbląg Chamber Orchestra on 18 October 2019 at 7 p.m. in the concert hall of the State Music School Complex in Elbląg will be a string polemic with coffee lovers according to Jan Sebastian Bach ...

We will listen to the musical classics of the Old Continent, natives of Poland and Germany. The audience will find themselves on the west side of the Oder thanks to the Bach's Coffee Cantata. One of the most interesting Polish sopranos – Magdalena Schabowska – will perform the aria Heute noch, which is a humorous and sophisticated polemic with black drink lovers. Then, we will head towards the Polish side of the river, listening to the compositions by Stanisław Moniuszko, Grażyna Bacewicz and Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. The musicians will perform under the baton of Maciej Żółtowski.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information athttp://www.eok.elblag.eu/ 

Łódź | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Guest Symphonic Concert


The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at the Łódź Philharmonic on 17 October 2019 at 8 p.m., presenting the works by Mieczysław Karłowicz and Fryderyk Chopin.

RPO is one of the leading British ensembles. Its main conductors were: Rudolf Kempe, Antal Doráti, Walter Weller, André Previn, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Yuri Temirkanov, Daniele Gatti and Charles Dutoit. The orchestra resides in London's Cadogan Hall, also performs at the Royal Festival Hall and Royal Albert Hall. Currently, the orchestra constantly cooperates, among others with Pinchas Zukerman, Alexander Shelley and Polish conductor Grzegorz Nowak, who will lead the concert in Łódź. Foreign tours are a permanent and important element of the ensemble's activity. RPO gives concerts in many prestigious halls around the world, with artists of the highest rank.

The programme will be filled with works by Polish composers. Its core will be three symphonic poems by Mieczysław Karłowicz, a representative of the Young Poland movement in music, whose promising career was interrupted 110 years ago by the tragic death in the Tatra Mountains. The concert's soloist will be Konrad Binienda, Polish pianist living in Ohio (USA), who will perform the Allegro de concert in A major, Op. 46 by Frederic Chopin on the 170th anniversary of the composer’s death.

A pre-concert meeting at 7.15 p.m. will be led by Andrzej Sułek.

Full programme available at: https://filharmonia.lodz.pl/pl/wydarzenia/royal-philharmonic-orchestra-goscinny-koncert-symfoniczny 

Poznań | Paderewski Festival


The 'Paderewski Festival – Musician, Man, Polish Ambassador' will be held on 16-19 October 2019 in Poznań. It announces a unique Polish-American musical production about Ignacy Jan Paderewski, which premiere is scheduled for autumn 2020.

The festival is organised by the Musical Theater in Poznań, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the City of Poznań. It will be inaugurated by a concert "Paddymania", whose title refers to the term originated from the appearance of thirty-one-year-old pianist Ignacy Jan Paderewski on the concert stages in the United States in 1891. The programme will inlcude a selection of songs from four musicals inspired by Paderewski's history. The pieces were created on the initiative of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of the competition for a professional musical dedicated to Paderewski, carried out in the US. The winner of the competition is Matthew Hardy, the author of the show Virtuoso, which will have its premiere in September 2020 at the Musical Theater in Poznań, and then will be staged in the United States.

The "Paderewski Festival" includes concerts with Paderewski's music, workshops led by deans and professors of public and private universities in Los Angeles, New York and New Mexico, a discussion panel dedicated to the staging of the winning musical in the USA with the jury members of the "Paderewski Musical" project, the premiere of an English-language music video announcing the premiere of the musical Virtuoso, as well as the chamber opera Three Paderewskis – winner of the Opera America award 2018.

Admission free to all events!

More information at: https://www.teatr-muzyczny.pl/paderewski-festiwal/19 

20 lat Wydawnictwa Płytowego POLMIC!

POLMICZ dumą przypominamy, że 20 lat temu, na przełomie roku 1999 i 2000, Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC (wówczas jeszcze pod swoją dawną nazwą Biblioteka-Fonoteka Związku Kompozytorów Polskich) wydało po raz pierwszy „Kronikę Dźwiękową Warszawskiej Jesieni” na płytach kompaktowych.

Warto wspomnieć, że w roku 1999 „Kronika Dźwiękowa” nie była przedsięwzięciem nowym. Jej idea zrodziła się już u zarania Festiwalu i w latach 1956–1989 realizowana była we współpracy z Polskimi Nagraniami w postaci corocznych wydań kompletów wolnoobrotowych, długogrających płyt gramofonowych. Od 1989 roku „Kronika”, niezależnie od nośnika, wydawana jest samodzielnie przez Związek Kompozytorów Polskich, a dokładniej przez Bibliotekę-Fonotekę (obecnie POLMIC), zawsze jako wydawnictwo całkowicie niekomercyjne, nieprzeznaczone do sprzedaży.

Od samego początku „Kronika Dźwiękowa Warszawskiej Jesieni” była pomyślana jako przedsięwzięcie przede wszystkim promocyjne, popularyzujące muzykę polską w ścisłym znaczeniu tego słowa. Są to bezpłatne publikacje płytowe, rozsyłane na cały świat! Płyty są rozprowadzane jako prezenty dla artystów, instytucji i bibliotek – tak w Polsce, jak i w wielu innych krajach.

„Kronika Dźwiękowa Warszawskiej Jesieni” to główna działalność fonograficzna POLMIC, ale nie jedyna, w dorobku mamy już blisko 200 płyt CD, a wśród nich:

  • „Polska Kolekcja Warszawskiej Jesieni 1956–2005” – jubileuszowy komplet dziesięciu płyt CD, wzbogacony obszerną książeczką poświęconą historii Festiwalu i prezentacjom muzyki polskich kompozytorów na „Warszawskiej Jesieni”;
  • Polish 20th and 21st Century Music – From Romanticism to New Avant-garde – płyta-wizytówka nowej muzyki polskiej wydana specjalnie na wystawę organizowaną w ramach targów MIDEM;
  • płyty monograficzne w ramach serii „Muzyka Polska Dzisiaj – Portrety Współczesnych Kompozytorów Polskich”. Są to autorskie (przygotowywane wspólnie z kompozytorami i często wskazanymi przez nich muzykologami i teoretykami – autorami esejów), monograficzne płyty twórców należących do różnych generacji, którzy nie posiadali jeszcze własnej płyty;
  • komplet 7 CD z rejestracją koncertów „Festiwalu Siedmiu Nurtów”, który Związek Kompozytorów Polskich zorganizował w roku 2016 na swoje 70-lecie.

Ideą nadrzędną wydawnictwa jest promocja współczesnej muzyki polskiej – przede wszystkim za granicą. Dlatego też książeczki i okładki wszystkich płyt zawierają opisy w języku polskim i angielskim. W roku 2007 powstał dwujęzyczny katalog Kronika Dźwiękowa Warszawskiej Jesieni 1956-2006 / Sound Chronicle of the Warsaw Autumn 1956–2006, obejmujący wszystkie wydania od początku historii „Kroniki”; angielskojęzyczny katalog Music of the Warsaw Autumn International Festival of Contemporary Music on promotional CDs released by the Polish Music Information Centre (1999–2006) , oraz obszerny aneks będący de facto katalogiem w książce Siódma dekada, Związek Kompozytorów Polskich 2006–2015. Edycje nowsze opisane są na stronie www.polmic.pl w zakładce „Wydawnictwa POLMIC”.

W 2019 roku do popularyzacji polskiej muzyki współczesnej dołączyło się nowe wydawnictwo płytowe ANAKLASIS powstałe pod auspicjami PWM. Gratulujemy Polskiemu Wydawnictwu Muzycznemu kolejnego interesującego projektu!

Łódź | Chamber Music Concert at the Philharmonic


The Karol Szymanowski's masterpiece Myths in a new arrangement by the Łódź composer Olga Hans will be performed by Trio Vivo on 15 October 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Łódź Philharmonic.

A piano trio is an ensemble that combines the virtuoso possibilities of violin, deep sound of cello and harmonic richness of piano. Such a group – Tio Vivo – consists of three musicians associated with the Academy of Music in Łódź: Magdalena Kling-Fender, Robert Fender and Hanna Holeksa. On the stage of the Łódź Philharmonic, they will present Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50 by Tchaikovsky, Piano Trio in G major by Claude Debussy and the famous Myths.

This piece by Karol Szymanowski testifies to the composer's fascination with Mediterranean culture. It comes from the period when sonic qualities were the most important to the composer – hence the imitation of the murmur of water or imitation of the sound of the pan flute. The work, written originally for violin and piano, was arranged by Olga Hans.

Information on tickets at: https://filharmonia.lodz.pl/pl/wydarzenia/koncert-kameralny-12 

Antonin | 2nd Polish Radio Chopin Festival

Festiwal Radia Chopin

The second edition of the Polish Radio Chopin Festival will take place on 15-20 October 2019 at the Hunting Palace of the Radziwiłł Princes in Antonin. The motto of this year's edition is: "Romantic fantasy and improvisation."

During the six evenings in the Radziwiłł Palace, visited by Fryderyk Chopin, well-known musicians will perform fantasies and improvisations not only by the artists of the Romantic era, but also by contemporary composers. Two concerts, with the participation of Kuba Stankiewicz and his ensemble and the Aleksander Dębicz – Marcin Zdunik duo, will be devoted to improvisation. Piotr Sałajczyk, Maciej Grzybowski, Julia Kociuban and Evgenij Bozhanov will present their virtuoso skills during piano recitals. Before the concerts, there will be 25-minute lectures by professors Irena Poniatowska, Iwona Puchalska, Ryszard Daniel Golianek, Jakub Stankiewicz and Wiesław Ratajczak, devoted to the idea of ​​fantasy and improvisation in music and literature.

The highlight of the inaugural concert will be the premiere of the piano composition commissioned by the Polish Radio Chopin – Sturm und Frieden by Aleksander Nowak, this year's winner of Polityka's Passport. It will be performed by Piotr Sałajczyk, who restores forgotten piano music of Polish composers to the stages, but is also a valued performer of modern music. The pianist will also present the Great Fantasy by Juliusz Zarębski as well as Mazurkas from Op. 50 and Masks op. 34 by Karol Szymanowski.

Admission to all concerts is free!

SEE: Facebook Event.

Łódź | 60 years of the Chamber Music Department at the Łódź Academy of Music

Am Lódź

The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź will host concerts on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Chamber Music Department on 14-15 October 2019.

The Chamber Music Department is the oldest academic unit in Poland that focuses on chamber music. Founded by Kiejstut Bacewicz – the patron of the Academy – it continued its artistic and pedagogical activity continuously for 60 years. Currently, it operates as an Institute of Chamber Music, headed by dr hab. Hanna Holeksa. On the occasion of the jubilee, the Institute's employees and associates invite you to two concerts and an academic conference that will be held at the Palace of the Academy of Music in Łódź at 32 Gdańska St.

The celebrations will start on 14 October with a concert at 6.15 p.m. performed by pedagogues and associates of the Chamber Music Institute. The programme will include works by Sergei Rachmaninov, George Gershwin, Russel Peterson, Karol Szymanowski and Leopold Godowski. "Chamber music yesterday and today" is the title of the academic conference during which the employees and guests of the Institute will deliver lectures (from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). To end the celebrations, the Chamber Music Institute has prepared another concert, featuring compositions by Gustaw Mahler, Manuel de Falla, Paweł Klecki and Aleksander Tansman.

Admission to all events is free.

More information at: www.amuz.lodz.pl 

Warsaw | Match / Tabula Rasa

Scena muzyki nowej

Another performance in the "New Music Scene" series, organised by the Witold Lutosławski Society, will take place on 14 October 2019 at 7 p.m. in the New Theatre in Warsaw.

The concert will begin with two musical duels: in Mauricio Kagel's Match, already a classic of contemporary music, a drummer will act as a judge in a clash between two cellists, while in Maciej Jabłoński's Match, based on a fragment of Witold Gombrowicz's Ferdydurke, there will be a famous duel of grimaces between Miętus and Syfon. Emotions will be calmed, although not without some disruption, in the piece Strings in the Ground by Tomasz Sikorski, one of the most original characters of contemporary Polish music. The evening will end in the complete tranquillity of Tabula Rasa, the famous composition by Arvo Pärt.

More information at: https://nowyteatr.org/en/kalendarz/match-tabula-rasa