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Anna Czekanowska-Kuklińska,

ethnomusicologist; b. 25th June 1929 in Lviv; d. 18th October 2021 in Warsaw. From 1947 to 1952 she studied musicology at the University in Poznań. She defended her master thesis on Folk song of the Opoczno Region against the background of ethnographic issues. In 1953-58 she undertook doctoral studies, obtaining a doctoral degree in musicology based on her thesis Bilgoraj songs. A minor contribution to the interpretation of the borderland (1958, University of Warsaw). In 1958-59 she studied at the Freie Universität in Berlin and the University in Cologne. In 1968 she defended her habilitation thesis entitled Narrow range melodies in the Slavic countries at the University of Warsaw. In 1975 she obtained the title of associate professor, and in 1983 – the title of full professor of musicology.

From 1953 to 1999 she was working at the University of Warsaw: in 1953-58 as assistant, in 1959-69 as adjunct, in 1969-74 as docent, and in 1975-1991 as associate and full professor. In 1958 she co-founded with Marian Sobieski the first Department of Folk Music (Ethnomusicology) in Poland, at the University of Warsaw. In 1969-1999 she was the head of the Ethnomusicology Department, and in 1975-1991 the head of the Institute of Musicology. She supervised seven doctoral students. She conducted scientific research at the Czajkowski Conservatory in Moscow (1962), lectures and research at the University of State Washington (1963) and many lectures at the Universities in Europe, USA and Russia, i.a. Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz, 1983-84), Pittsburg University, Duquesne University and University of Washington (1980-83), Durham University (1994). From 1999 to 2004 she was the headt of the Ethnomusicology Department at the Catholic University in Lublin. From 2004 she lectured at Collecium Civitas – a non-state university based in Warsaw, entitled to award doctoral degrees.

Anna Czekanowska was a member of the Polish Composers' Union (from 1967), Polish Cection of the Societe Internationale de Musique Contemporaine (from 1983), International Folk Music Council / International Council for Traditional Music (from 1957), European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (from 1982), Society for Ethnomusicology (from 1975), British Forum for Ethnomusicology (from 1998), Warsaw Scientific Society (from 1990), Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin (from 2003). She sat on the IFMC / ICTM Board (1976-1983) and ESEM Board (1990-1996), she was the vice-president of the Polish Section of SIMC, an honorary member of ESEM (from 2002) and the Polish Section of SIMC.

In recognition of her scientific activity she was honoured with the 3rd Degree Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the book entitled Narrow-Ranged Folk Melodies in Slavic Countries (1973), 2nd Degree Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the book entitled Asian Music Cultures (1982), 1st Degree Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the Studien zum National Stil der polnischen Musik (1990), and the Award of the Secretary of the 1st Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Polish Folk Music – Slavonic Heritage – Polish Tradition – Contemporary Trends (1991).

updated: 2021 (ac)



Zu Aspekten der Analyse in der Musikethnologie - Was ist wichtiger: Der Musikalische Aspekt oder der Fakt der Determinierung in kultureller Hinsicht? in: Von der Vielfalt Musikalischer Kultur, Josef Kuckertz Festschrift, (hrsg. von Rüdiger Schumacher), Muller-Speiser, Berlin 1993