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Prize-winners of the 19th Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Łódź

XIX Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej 2016 edition of the Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition came to an end on April 17, 2016. The 1st prize was awarded to pianist Han-Wen Yu (Taiwan) and cellist Mon-Pou Lee (Spain/Taiwan) who presented a brilliant interpretation of Claude Debussy’s Sonata for cello and piano at the event’s final concert.

Han-Wen Yu and Mon-Pou Lee met in Berlin, where they both currently live. 30-year-old Han-Wen Yu studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig, while a 22-year-old cellist Mon-Pou Lee studies at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. Together they have toured in Germany, Czech Republic and Italy, and plan to give concerts in Spain, the USA and Taiwan, as well as at the Konzerthaus Berlin, Berlin Philharmonie and Gasteig Munich. In 2015, the duo won the Concorso Internazionale di Musica "Marco Fiorindo" in Italy. In Łódź, the artists received the cash prize (8.000 PLN each) and an invitation to perform at the Łódź Philharmonic.

This year’s edition of the Competition hosted over 100 chamber music ensembles (ie. over 250 artists) from all over the world, who performed a variety of chamber works, ranging from Haydn and Beethoven to Poulenc, Shostakovich and Penderecki. The Jury, comprising 11 members, decided to award the following prizes:

2nd prize

quintet: Krzysztof Cegliński (piano), Sławomira Wilga (violin), Maria Sosnowska (violin), Magdalena Agatowicz (viola) and Anna Cierpisz (cello)

3rd prize

duo: Aleksander Krzyżanowski (piano) and Iwo Jedynecki (accordion);

ex-aequo: Goun Kim from South Korea (piano) and Dominik Manz from Germany (cello)


trio: Michał Kluska (piano), Weronika Pucka (violin) and Anna Cierpisz (cello);

duo: Kristina Raczyńska (piano) and Łukasz Hajduczenia (baritone);

duo: Ryszard Alzin (piano) and Michał Janicki (baritone) - award for the best performance of work by Polish composer


The laureates received also extra-curricular awards – concerts at the Philharmonic in Krakow, Opole, Łomża and Academy of Music in Łódź.

The Competition was held at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Academy of Music in Łódź under the honorary patronage of Prof. Piotr Gliński (Minister of Culture and National Heritage), Prof. Zbigniew Rau (Governor of the Łódź Voivodeship), Witold Stępień (Marshal of the Łódź Voivodeship) and Hanna Zdanowska (Mayor of the City of Łódź).


Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Read more: Prize-winners of the 19th Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Łódź

Conference on Music Education in Białystok

Wyzwania współczesnej edukacji muzycznej 2 2nd National Scientific Conference "Contemporary Challenges in Music Education" will be held on April 18-19, 2016 at the Department of Instrumental and Educational Studies of the Fryderyk Chopin University in Białystok.

The aim of the conference is to set the diagnosis of music education (in relation to the fact that the world has been undergoing dynamic changes) and to identify ways of development of music education in the context of conscious and creative exploration of musical heritage. The modern world generates previously unknown problems which challenge the education. Under these conditions, a view on a teacher, conductor, and animator becomes crucial for the proces of educating future generations of young artists.

The conference will cover several topics, such as: music education as the future aesthetic education of children and youth, problems in educating professional music staff, reforms in music education, contemporary research on music education, musical preferences and interests of children and young people and the role of extracurricular music activities in the development of children and youth.

The organizers invited the representatives of the Department of Art and Culture Education (Ministry of Culture and National Heritage) to participate in the event.

See: programme

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

19th Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Łódź

XIX Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej im. K. Bacewicza2016 edition of the Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition will have its opening on April 10, 2016 at the Academy of Music in Łódź.

55 years have passed since the Chamber Music Competition was first organized in Łódź in 1961. Its initiator, Prof. Kiejstut Bacewicz, rector of the Academy and patron of the Competition, was a great artist and a promoter of chamber music. This year’s edition will host over 100 chamber music ensembles (ie. over 250 artists) from all over the world, who will perform a variety of chamber works, ranging from Haydn and Beethoven to Poulenc, Shostakovich and Penderecki.

The 1st stage of the Competition involves 3 categories (A: voice duo with piano; B: instrumental duo with piano; C: piano trio, piano quartet, piano quintet). The participants will be evaluated by the international jury: Cezary Sanecki - piano (Poland, chairman), Łukasz Błaszczyk - violin (Poland), Mario Caroli - flute (Italy), Nicholas Cox - clarinet (Great Britain), Witold Holtz - piano (Poland), Katarzyna Jankowska-Borzykowska - piano (Poland), Kimihiko Kitajima - piano (Japan), Katalin Kokas - violin (Hungary), Urszula Kryger - voice (Poland), Zdzisław Łapiński - cello (Poland), Jadwiga Rappé - voice (Poland).

The opening concert, performed by mezzosoprano Urszula Kryger, pianists Katarzyna Jankowska-Borzykowska and Marcin Sikorski, violinist Łukasz Błaszczyk and cellist Rafał Kwiatkowski, will be held on April 10, 2016 at 6.00 pm at the Academy of Music in Łódź (2a Żubardzka St).

Admission free.

Honorary patronage: Prof. Piotr Gliński (Minister of Culture and National Heritage), Prof. Zbigniew Rau (Governor of the Łódź Voivodeship), Witold Stępień (Marshal of the Łódź Voivodeship) and Hanna Zdanowska (Mayor of the City of Łódź).

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information: www.amuz.lodz.pl

Read more: 19th Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Łódź

Gdańsk Music Festival 2016

Gdański Festiwal Muzyczny 2016 9th Gdańsk Music Festival will be held between April 8 and 15, 2016. The major theme of the 2016 edition will be "Polish Concert".

This year, the festival’s artist-in-residence will be legendary Maxim Vengerov, who will give violin masterclass and present concerts by Henryk Wieniawski and Karol Szymanowski at the final gala. The programme includes also performances by Nelson Goerner with the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra under Wojciech Rajski, pianist Georgijs Osokins (finalist of the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition), cellist Maciej Kułakowski (winner of the 10th Witold Lutosławski International Cello Competition) with AMADEUS Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra under Agnieszka Duczmal, Sinfonietta Pomerania under Tadeusz Dixa, Polish Chamber Choir under Jan Łukaszewski, Cappella Gedanensis (which celebrates its 35th anniversary) led by English conductor and countertenor Paul Esswood, as well as several chamber concerts.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information: www.gdanskifestiwal.pl

3rd Krakow Cello Spring

3. Krakowska Wiosna Wiolonczelowa3rd edition of the Krakow Cello Spring will be held on April 7-10, 2016 at the Academy of Music in Krakow. Admission to all events is free.

First of 4 concerts is dedicated to Prof. Witold Herman and  will feature compositions by David Popper, Max Bruch, Krzysztof Penderecki, Johann Sebastian Bach, and others, presented by the graduates of the Academy of Music in Krakow, who studied with Prof. Herman in the years 1975-2005. Next concerts involve ballads by Leonard Cohen performed by Michał Łanuszka and the cello octet, performance entitled Only Cello! and works by Witold Lutosławski, Wojciech Widłak, Krzysztof Penderecki, Aleksander Tansman and Franz Schubert interpreted by Stuttgart-based cellist Peter Buck and his students.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

See: programme

Music of the Titans

Sinfonia Iuventus Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra under the baton of Marcin Nałęcz-Niesiołowski will perform compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven and Johannes Brahms on April 9, 2016 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw.

The overture to the ballet The Creatures of Prometheus (Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus) by Ludwig van Beethoven will open the first part of the concert. The composer wrote the music for the heroic-allegorical ballet in 1800-01 and it is the overture that remained in the concert repertoire until today. Next, the orchestra will perform Johannes Brahms’ Symphony No. 1 in C minor, which was called the "10th Symphony of Beethoven" by the German conductor and pianist Hans von Bülow. Last work to be presented during the evening will be Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 in C major, written in the years 1795-1800.


Ludwig van Beethoven - Ouverture to the ballet The Creatures of Prometheus, Op.43

Johannes Brahms - Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68

Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21


Tickets available at www.bilety24.pl, www.sklep.polskieradio.pl and one hour before the concert at the box office of the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

1st International Choir Festival for Children and Young People "Mundus Cantat"

Mundus Cantat Gdańsk 2016 Young choir singers from Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia and Russia will perform concerts at the 1st International Choir Festival for Children and Young People "Mundus Cantat", which will be held on April 7-9, 2016 at the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk.

The organizers, the Mundus Cantat Foundation, having gained over 10 years of experience, decided to organize another event dedicated to young and enthusiastic choristers who come to Sopot every year. The singers will be auditioned by the jury – Teresa Pabiańczyk, PhD, Michał Kozorys, PhD (Festival’s artistic director) and Prof. Marcin Tomczak.


Admission free.

More information: www.munduscantat.pl

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Premiera sztuki „Multimedialne Coś” B. Schaeffera w Paryżu

Multimedialne CośSpektakl Multimedialne Coś Bogusława Schaeffera zostanie zaprezentowany 3 i 4 kwietnia 2016 roku w kultowym Théâtre de la Huchette w Paryżu. Premierowym pokazom we Francji towarzyszyć będzie wystawa grafik i partytur kompozytora, spotkanie z publicznością oraz czytania dramatu Schaeffera w języku francuskim.

Dyrektorzy teatru związanego z osobą Eugène’a Ionesco, Jean-Noël Hazemann oraz Franck Desmed, goszcząc w Warszawie na 7. edycji festiwalu „Era Schaeffera” w 2015 roku, zaprosili twórców do zaprezentowania spektaklu w Paryżu. Jedyna sztuka, w której Bogusław Schaeffer występował osobiście, powstała w 2007 roku dla aktora Marka Frąckowiaka. Spektakl był grany m.in. na festiwalu Fringe w Edynburgu, w Pradze, Bratysławie, Budapeszcie, Wiedniu oraz w kilkudziesięciu miastach w Polsce. Multimedialne Coś to brawurowy wykład na temat kondycji sztuki i artysty, rozpisany na trzech aktorów i akompaniatora. Obok Marka Frąckowiaka wystąpią Waldemar Obłoza oraz Agnieszka Grzybowska / Agnieszka Wielgosz Ze względu na stan zdrowia, w paryskiej odsłonie Bogusława Schaeffera zastąpi przy instrumencie Michał Urbaniak. Sam Mistrz przez cały spektakl obecny będzie w prezentowanych nad sceną multimediach.

Dwóch mężczyzn– wyglądają jak gentelmani z obrazów Magritte'a, zachowują się jak krzykliwe błazny, pretendujące do głównej roli bez znajomości tekstu i reguł. I kobieta – agresywna w swoich tezach, prowokująca, krzykliwa. W muzycznym tle Michał Urbaniak. Na tle jego błądzącej kantylenty aktorzy próbują przeprowadzić wykład o sztuce, który ostatecznie grzęźnie w pętli, obraca się w niekończącym się loopie, zjada własny ogon i demaskuje pustkę wywodu, smutną nieobecność treści, osamotnioną formę. Feeria dowcipu i szaleństwa niczym z Felliniego. Cyrk obłędu, za którym cicho ukrywa się odwieczne pytanie: kim jest Artysta?

Producentem spektaklu jest Fundacja Przyjaciół Sztuki „Aurea Porta”, której zasadniczym celem jest wspieranie kultury polskiej oraz promocja inicjatyw artystycznych. Znaczna część działań fundacji koncentruje się na promocji twórczości muzycznej, dramaturgicznej i graficznej Bogusława Schaeffera.

Patronat medialny nad wydarzeniem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej.

Students of the Academy of Music in Krakow in the "Music +" cycle

Music +Another concert of the "Music +" cycle will be held on March 30, 2016 at 7.00 pm in the Youth Culture Centre in Krakow (“House of the Scouts”, 18 Reymonta St).

The programme, which includes works by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Karol Szymanowski, Claude Debussy, Leonard Bernstein, Edvard Grieg and Samuel Barber, will be interpreted by students of the Academy of Music in Krakow, soprano Alicja Ciesielczuk and pianist Joachim Kołpanowicz.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Read more: Students of the Academy of Music in Krakow in the "Music +" cycle

45th Poznań Music Spring

45. Poznańska Wiosna Muzyczna45th International Festival of Contemporary Music ”Poznań Music Spring” will be held between March 14 and 21, 2016.

This year’s edition of the Festival has been programmed according to 3 complementary themes that involve performing music by 20th-century masters (such as Witold Lutosławski, Krzysztof Penderecki, Iannis Xenakis), works by contemporary Polish composers (special focus put on Poznań-based artists), and the most interesting compositions and projects of foreign contemporary composers.
The Festival will feature several premiere performances of new works, including Marta Ptaszyńska’s Symphony for 104 percussionists, which will be presented at the opening concert. New compositions have been written also by Krzysztof Meyer, Zbigniew Kozub, Yao Chen, Nan Liang, Thorsten Encke, Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska, Leo Bachmann, Rafał Zapała, Peter Bannister, Jerzy Fryderyk Wojciechowski, Monika Kędziora, Grzegorz Duchnowski, Chang Seok Choi and Dariusz Kaliszuk. Apart from the concerts, the audience will be offered to attend meetings with artists, cultural events’ organizers, music journalists and critics ("Atelier" cycle), as well as events for children and youth.

"Poznań Music Spring" was initiated in 1961 by Tadeusz Szeligowski and Florian Dąbrowski. It is currently organized by the Poznań section of the Polish Composers’ Union and More Than One Production Artist Agency.

Programme: www.wiosnamuzyczna.pl

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC, Polish Radio Programme 2, Radio Merkury, Glissando, MeaKultura.pl, kulturapoznan.pl, epoznan.pl.

Passion Concert in Kamionek

Sinfonia VarsoviaSoprano Małgorzata Grzegorzewicz-Rodek and alto Wanda Franek with Sinfonia Varsovia under Wojciech Rodek will perform a Passion Concert on March 17, 2016 at the Co-Cathedral Church in Kamionek (365 Grochowska Street, Warsaw).

The artists will interpret Jasności promieniste (Radiant Lights - Little Mystery for Soprano solo and String Orchestra) by Mikołaj Górecki – a 4-part work commissioned by PWM Edition in 2012, which features fragments of Czesław Miłosz’s poetry – and Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, written in 1736.

Admission free.

More information: www.sinfoniavarsovia.org

Media patronage: TVP3 Warszawa, Radio Warszawa, Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

"Warsaw Camerata à la carte!" in 2016

Warsaw Camerata a la carte! First concert of the 5th edition of the cycle "Warsaw Camerata à la carte!" will be held on March 20, 2016 at 1.30 pm in the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Florian the Martyr in Warsaw (3 St. Florian's St).

The project, co-financed by the City of Warsaw and organized in the years 2014-2016, aims at connecting and activating the listeners and musicians. It is the audience that chooses the repertoire performed during the concerts regularly held in the Praga district in Warsaw.

Justyna Stępień - soprano
Aneta Łukaszewicz - mezzosoprano
Warsaw Camerata
Paweł Kos-Nowicki - conductor

Romuald Twardowski - Air in Old Style
Romuald Twardowski - Canzona
Joseph Haydn - Symphony in F minor "La Passione" Hob.I:49
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - Stabat Mater

Admission free.

Organized by the New Chamber Orchestra Foundation, co-financed by the City of Warsaw.

Cooperation: Warsaw Camerata, Art Deco Group, Culture Centre Praga, Strategia Group, Marek Rychłowski Law Firm.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC, "Presto" Magazine, Music Film Art, In Your Pocket, Wawcity.pl, cameralmusic.pl

Music of the Orient at the Academy of Music in Łódź

Abu Hassan Students of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Academy of Music in Łódź under the baton of Marcin Wolniewski will perform Carl Maria von Weber’s comic opera Abu Hassan on March 5, 2016. The work will be staged in Poland for the 1st time.

Abu Hassan is a German singspiel in one act, composed in 1811. The libretto, written by Franz Carl Hiemer, is based on a tale of the One Thousand and One Nights. The subject of this comic work concerns a debtor, Abu Hassan, and his wife Fatime, who make effort to fake their own death and outsmart the Caliph so that the money gained for their funerals would allow them to pay their debts and live in ease.

The opera will be examined in details during the conference OM: Orient in Music – Music of the Orient, which will take place on March 9-12, 2016 at the Academy of Music in Łódź.

Next performances will be held on March 6-9, 2016.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Music by Edward Pałłasz in Gdańsk

Edward Pałłasz Polish Chamber Choir directed by Jan Łukaszewski will perform Edward Pałłasz’s choral compositions on March 19, 2016 at St. Nicholas Church in Gdańsk (72 Świętojańska St).

The programme includes 7 compositions by Edward Pałłasz, such as Pastor et Magister, De Beata Virgine Maria ClaromontanaThree Mourful Songs, and Teach Me, Lord, as well as Et…  - a composition which is dedicated to the artsits and will have its premiere performance during the concert. The composer will be the special guest of the evening.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

World Premiere of a Composition Awarded at the Szymanowski Composition Competition

Koncerty Akademickiej Orkiestry Symfonicznej w KatowicachOn March 1 and 2, 2016 the Karol Szymanowski Academic Symphony Orchestra under Maciej Tomasiewicz will give a premiere performance of Fili di Perle (Strings of Pearls) by Jonathan Posthuma (USA), which received 3rd prize at the 2nd Karol Szymanowski International Composition Compeition in 2015.

Aleksandra Świgut - piano
Maciej Tomasiewicz - conductor
Karol Szymanowski Academic Symphony Orchestra

Jonathan Posthuma - Strings of Pearls for symphony orchestra
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466
Antonín Dvořák - Symphony No. 4 in D minor, Op. 13

Admission free.
(booking free tickets required – Academy of Music in Katowice: (+48) 32 77 92 100)

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Read more: World Premiere of a Composition Awarded at the Szymanowski Composition Competition