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Kraków | „Elementi 7: retro” – academic conference and concerts


"Elementi 7: retro" is three days of intense musical meetings and concerts. Olga Drenda, Andrzej Mądry and Artur Zagajewski will be the special guests of this year's edition, which will take place on 1-3 March 2019 at the Music Academy in Kraków.

The student conference "Elementi", initiated seven years ago, quickly grew into a cyclical event, including not only lectures and discussions, but also concerts, meetings, and composers' workshops. The word "retro" – the theme of this year's edition – provokes to ask questions about the presence of the past in contemporary art, while providing an excuse to take up the problem of nostalgia, widmontology, or spiritology. These issues will be discussed in the papers during the two-day academic conference (1-2 March), featuring lectures given by invited guests: Olga Drenda, Andrzej Mądry and Artur Zagajewski.

An important part of "Elementi 7" are concerts of new music. Gośka Isphording and Erik Bosgraaf (1 March), and Contemporary Ensemble Music Co-operative (2 March) will perform during the first two days. On the last day there will be a concert of students of the composition class of the Music Academy in Kraków (3 March).

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.