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Barbara Zakrzewska passed away...

Zakrzewska Barbara

On the 30th of November, in Poznań, at the age of 77, Dr. Barbara Zakrzewska passed away. She was a composer, music librarian, musicologist, doctor of humanities in the field of history (she obtained her doctoral degree after defending a thesis written under the supervision of Prof. Z. Grot), scholarship holder of foreign studies and research programmes, long-time Polish activist in the USA, author of 65 compositions, over 80 publications, including eight books, privately the eldest daughter of the late Prof. Zbigniew Zakrzewski (an outstanding economist and author of books about Poznań).

Funeral of the late Dr. Barbara Zakrzewska will take place on the 11th of December at 11.50 at the Junikowo Cemetery in Poznań. Holy Mass will be held on the same day, at 2.00 p.m. in the church of Jan Kanty at Grunwald in Poznań.

May she rest in peace.