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Warsaw | Special concert: Marian Borkowski: 90th anniversary of birth and 70th anniversary of creative work

UMFC 15 1 24As part of the "UMFC Chamber Music" series at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music on the 15th of January, 2024 at 7 p.m. there will be a concert to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Marian Borkowski's birth and the 70th anniversary of Marian Borkowski's creative work. Recital performed by Prof. Marcin Tadeusz Łukaszewski will promote the album Marian Borkowski: Complete Works for Solo Piano (Marcin T. Łukaszewski), published by Chopin University Press.

The album contains all works of Prof. Marian Borkowski, winner of the ZKP Honorary Award (2008), for solo piano, interpreted by Prof. Marcin Tadeusz Łukaszewski. The album is part of the celebration of the triple jubilee of Prof. Borkowski: ninetieth anniversary of birth, seventy years of creative work and fifty-five years of teaching work.

The recital programme will include such pieces by the Composer as Toccata, Four Mazurkas, Seven Preludes, Two Mazurkas, Romantic Interludes, Fragmenti, and Nocturnes by Prof. Paweł Łukaszewski.

Free tickets required!

Additional information - on the website https://chopin.edu.pl/szczegoly-wydarzenia/841_marian-borkowski-90-lecie-urodzin-i-70-lecie-pracy-tworczej