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Alicja Szeluga’s 25th Work Anniversary

Dyrygent i jej chórConcert entitled Conductor and Her Choir, organized on the occasion of Alicja Szeluga’s 25th annivesary of work with the Skowronki Girls’ Choir, will be held on April 3, 2016 at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań.

The choir under the direction of Alicja Szeluga, joined by special guests (Marzena Michałowska, Aleksandra Szerocka - soprano, Czesław Łynsza - piano, Patryk Piłasiewicz - double bass, Dawid Wirmański - percussion), will perform works by contemporary composers, such as Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska (Dziadek przyjdzie* and Pranie), Grzegorz Miśkiewicz (In te Domine speravi), Marten Jansson, Jakub Neske and Bob Chilcott (A Litlle Jazz Mass).


* world premiere