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Zakopane | Premiere of the new piece by Marcel Chyrzyński


During the final concert of the 41st Karol Szymanowski Music Days, on 29th July 2018 at 8.00 p.m. in the church of the Holy Cross in Zakopane, the premiere of the latest work by Marcel Chyrzyński will take place: Ukiyo-e No. 4 for clarinet, French horn, piano and string orchestra.

The composition will be presented by the Silesian Trio and the Orchestra of Silesian Chamber Musicians under the baton of Robert Kabara. The composer writes about his work:

"Ukiyo-e No. 4 for clarinet, French horn, piano and string orchestra is part of the series of works entitled "Ukiyo-e". This is the fourth composition inspired by Japanese ukiyo-e woodcuts, or "images of the passing world." These woodcuts were the quintessence of everyday life and cultural climate of Japan of the Edo period (XVII-XIX centuries). In this cycle, from the emotional side, I refer to the Japanese aesthetics, in which transitoriness, impermanence, and transience of the moment are of special importance. It includes a Buddhist approach to nature – 'the beauty of flowers is dear to us, because we know that they will not be there again in the autumn'."

In the week preceding the premiere of Ukiyo-e No.4, on 24th July at 6.00 p.m., a meeting with the composer will take place as part of "highlander's residences" in the Wnuk Gallery. Marcel Chyrzyński will talk about his latest work. PWM will broadcast live this meeting on its facebook profile.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Additional information at: http://www.szymanowski.zakopane.pl/